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Your back is full of burden
Your heart is full of anxiety
Will be your responsibility
But I didn't see it on your face
That misery
I don't understand when you take it out
Your abstract face

You say the words Only one word "Don't!" But because of that word
I hate you
I don't see the other side
Even though you looked earlier
Looking ahead, more forward
From what I don't know
For my future, you are willing to work hard
For something big that I didn't realize
What's in it for me
but I just enjoy it
Sometimes I'm not thankful

Ahh ...
Just this ?
I don't appreciate the results of your sweat at all
And hurt your heart
From sunrise to sunset
Until sometimes late at night
Only for work
to delay your rest time
To be able to exaggerate a little fortune for today

Like a precarious house that protects the entire contents of the house
From the heat of the sun
And heavy rain
But there is a time
Even that precarious will leak
the whole house is angry and annoyed at him
Forgetting pleasure that was felt before
I suppose the crisis is you
My father

Forgive me
How stupid and sinful I am for you
Who have been ignoring your services all this time


I am very happy.

Thank you God

For the sister you gave

My day is full of togetherness

Togetherness that made me realize how much you love me

By sending a younger sibling.

Thank you God

For the sister you gave

.my eyes can look at color

Not world black

My heart feels warm

Not empty lonely.

Thank you God

For the sister you gave

Because of his presence

I became a big brother

Become a person who must be an adult.

Thank you God

.for the sister you gave

Because of you, I know what it's like to share parents

Because of you, I know what it's like to budge


Thank you God

For the sister you gave

For every smile you give her

.for every happiness you set remains in his heart.

Thank you God

For the sister you gave

His happiness is my happiness

If he is sad my heart is cut

If he hurts my heart hard can not sleep.

Thank you God

.for the sister you gave

I love every time to hug her

Become a person who can take care of him and embrace him

Very happy, really.

Thank you God

For the sister you gave

When helping her with homework

.help him learn mathematics

Wake him in the morning.

Thank you God

For the sister you gave

I'm grateful to you

Because you gave me a younger sibling

I really love him

God, please don't separate me from him

.God please make him happy even though I no longer exist in this world.

I will look after the stars in the sky

My sister is my life

Because the reason I survived is him

.he was the light I could see in the blackness of the life I was breathing

It is he that I can stare at.

I don't want to lose it

Do not want to part with it

Because he is the second life

After I die first

.died because he was killed by the cruel fate.

My sister is my hope

I've turned black charcoal

All I have now is pain in the corner of my heart

I want her life to be better than mine.

I died two years ago

.die in pain that cuts the heart

In swallowing pain that has no medicine

Yes, life and destiny are allied to destroy me.

At that time I was dying

I beg for a dead heart

All I got was disappointed

.all I get is blackness of reality.

My brother can't taste bitter

My sister must still be a human

God please help me

Help me look after it

Help me make it happy.

I will always pray for him

.asking for a glimmer of white hope for him

God is all-knowing about everything

I believe it.

I love him very much

I am willing to be destroyed

For the sake of my only family left

For the sake of my mother's mandate.

Mother pray for me here

.here I stand on dry ground

I looked at the bitterness of a faithful life entering my breath

Hope that the name of the miracle comes.

My brother must be happy in his life

He can't be destroyed, he can't be miserable

No, he must be happy

.I am willing to pray for him every night

For his life

May God plague my prayers.

Aliand Aditya Syarif

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