Chapter 1

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Millions of years ago, the creation of the Seven Deadly Sins create a massive change to the world.

They spread fear, pain and agony to every mortals in the world.

Does the heaven decided to scatter hope, love and forgiveness to every living beings on our world using the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

The two sides fought each other endlessly, for thousands of years.

The battle always ends up with destruction.

The world are crumling bit by bit.

So the order got changed.

The war between the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues comes to an end...

Or so we thought.

Legends has it, every 100 years, someone will get curse while another one will get blessed.

The other one will spread chaos while the other will maintain the order of the world.

And that is the balance of the world till the present day.


[A curse has been integrated to the host soul...]

[A blessing has been integrated to the host soul...]

[Due to the blessing of the seven heavenly virtues, the curse got dispelled]

"w-what the h-heck?"

[A demonic curse has been integrated to the host soul corrupting it in the process...]

[Due to the demonic curse of the seven deadly sins, the blessing got dispelled]

"is this the...e-end? Am i g-going to d-die?"


"no god please no"

"i s-still wanna fix my m-mistakes!"

[A heavenly blessing has been integrated to the host soul purifying it in the proccess...]

[Due to the demonic curse and heavenly blessing creating chaos to the host soul, the host existence will vanish...]

"i-i cant die!"

"NOT YET!!!"

[Due to the host unbending will, huge courage, strong perseverance and endless desire...]

[...The two systems are emerging]








[Emerging Completed]

[New system has been created and integrating to the host soul... ]

[Heavenly Sin System has been successfully integrated to the host soul]

"T-this cant be the e-end...i r-refuse to a-accept it!"

(Flashback 24 hours ago)

Yoo Jin's POV

(6:31 am at the Park's Mansion)

*knock knock knock*

"Yoo Jin-ah!...Wake up! will be late for school!" my annoying of a brother said while knocking on my door.

"Yea yea! Give me a minute!" i said annoyingly while burying my face on the pillow.

"Just get your ass up quickly or i will leave you behind" he said before leaving downstairs maybe to eat breakfast.

Leave me behind? Like I'm not use to it anyways.

I lazily got up from my bed and goes to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

After some minutes I already done wearing my school uniform.

I got my bag and goes downstairs to eat my breakfast but lost my appetite at the scene in front of me.

In there, i saw my so called family. My mom who's happily serving jinyoung breakfast while dad is conversing some intersting conversation with him. Well you can call them family but not with me.

Mom and dad always give my big brother jinyoung love and affection while ignoring me. They always leave me behind. Putting me to the side while spoiling jinyoung.

That's what it is ever since.

I dont know why...

Maybe because I'm troublesome...

Maybe because I'm different...

But who cares?!

They can suck each other for all i care!

I don't need anyone, i just need myself!

"I'll go first" i coldly said to them and start leaving.

"wait son, aren't you gonna eat breakfast first?" mom said while holding my arms.

I smack it away while glaring at her.

"Yah! You punk! How dare you do that to your own mother!" dad angrily said while walking towards me. When he reached me...


...he slap me on my right cheek and said.

"How dare you! We gave you everything and this is how you will repay us?! You punk-"

"You game me everything?! Where's my parents then?!  Why can't i feel them! Oh right...they are busy spoiling the spoiled brat!" i said with full of hatred and leave the mansion before they can say anything.

I hop onto my car and go to school.

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To be continued...

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