Chapter 16

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(8:31 am at Kwangdo ng Hospital's Cafeteria)

Jai's POV

"I will take care of him, okay ahjusshi?" I said and wave my hands to his butler and cling my arms on his arms and drag him away, not even waiting for their answer.

"Y-yah...w-what are you doing?" He asks confusedly but I just ignore him.

I need to get him away from the Demon-possessed butler first. Then after that, I need to think about how I can beat his ass.

But wait, can I even fight a demon?!

Oh god, Obviously not!

Demons have crazy powers while I'm just a normal human with crazy shits happening to me!

What to do?!

I didn't notice it but I just drag the guy randomly while I'm walking mindlessly, still clinging my arms onto him so he can't get away.

He suddenly halts on his tracks making me stop too. I can't drag him anymore because he's so strong.

Is he just strong or I've become weak?

Ugh, curse to be me. Well, I'm actually cursed to be me.

"Just what are you doing?" He asks while looking seriously in my eyes.

What am I gonna say? I'm kidnapping him so I can protect him from the demon-possessed butler? Heck no! He will think I'm crazy.

"I said I want to be with you" I said and tries to drag him again by his arms but it's no use.

"Okay look. I know you really like me and all, but I have something important to do okay? I really need to go" he said and that statement of his makes my eyes widened.

What the hell? Who said I like him?! The fuck is he saying? No homo bro!

That's disgusting!

I'm just doing this for the mission!

But I can't just let him go. Not until I figured out how to get rid of the demon-possessed butler.

He turns around and was about to walk away.

What to do? What to do? What to do?

Out of panic, I suddenly hug his right arm.

"No you can't go" said and hug his arms tightly.

"Aish...I really need to go, okay? I just wanna eat my breakfast in peace" He said annoyingly but I just ignore him and hug his arm tighter.

You can't go, dude. Not on my watch!

I can't just fail this mission! Many lives are on my hands and I know some bullshit will happen again if I failed this!

I already turned into a girl, what if I become a penis next! Not gonna happen!

He tried to move his right arm but I didn't let him and hug it tighter.

After many tries, he just sigh and continue walking.

Even while we're walking, I'm still hugging his right arm. I'm just being cautious. I can't really get him away.

After a minute of walking, we finally arrived at the cafeteria.

Third Person POV

The two arrived at the cafeteria and they walk towards the food stalls.

Taehyung bought some Sweet Korean pancakes and look around for any seats available.

Meanwhile, Jai looks at the sweet pancakes with sparkling eyes.

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