Chapter 18

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(9:58 am at Kwangdong Hospital)

Jai's POV

Me and Taehyung were just talking to each other after Jinyoung went to find the butler.

Taehyung was actually a very nice guy though he can misunderstand things easily.

And to be honest, he was so narcissistic. Always telling me that I like him and he's very handsome.

If not for the mission I already ditch this guy.

And also, I'm actually not the one who started the conversation. It was him. He's so talkative and lively. I'm not even asking any questions to him but he literally told me his whole life.

That's crazy.

I also got to know that the election for the senators will be held 7 days from now.

I think this is the reason why the demons wants to kill Taehyung. They want some demon to infiltrate the government using his father. Maybe they can revive dead and use Taehyung as a dummy? Or maybe they can't possess Taehyung so they need to kill him to do it?

But how can a demon possess someone, really? Is there some kind of rule to possess someone? Because they can just use some possessive demon to possessed some high ranking officials from the government.

But why they didn't do that?

It's impossible that they didn't think about that simple thing so maybe there is someone on the government who can fight demons? Or maybe there are only types of people they can possess?

That might be it.

"Hey, I already told you my story. It's your turn" Taehyung said.

I was about to say something when my phone suddenly buzzed.

"wait a sec" I said and he nodded.

I took out my phone from my pocket and saw that Jinyoung is calling me.

I accepted the call but I didn't leave Taehyung's side because I don't want to let my eyes off of him...

He is the most important person at the moment.

(On the phone)

Jai: Hello?

Jinyoung: Get out of there right now! Go somewhere else safe! The demon switched bodies and it might attack at any moment! Just run! I will handle it!

Jai: o-okay! Understood!

Then he hangs up.

The demon is on it's way to Taehyung! We need to get out of here now!

"W-We have to go" I said to Taehyung and grab his hands.

"Why-" he was about to say something when a guy suddenly slammed the door of the cafeteria.

The guy looks like a zombie with blood on his face and his eyeballs are all black. There's also saliva coming out on his mouth looking at us in madness.

Black smoke is also coming out of his body.

Oh no! The demon!

"We have to go!" I said and drag Taehyung away.

The guy shouts like a maniac and creates chaos to the whole cafeteria.

He slammed the tables. Punch someone on the face. He even stabbed a woman on her neck using a fork.

Some people tried to stop him but he is crazily strong.

Some guards pin him down but I know better than anyone else that pining the demon down won't be of any help...the demon can just possess another body to get out from their grip!

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