Chapter 13

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(4:15 pm at Kwangdong Hospital)

Yoo Jin's POV

"I hate to break your siblings time but i still have some questions to you Yoo Jin-shii" Sir Jong-suk said and we break our hug.

"Please just call me by my name Sir Jong-suk" i said and he smiles.

"Then please just call me Jong-suk hyung then. About my question, what mission did the voices ask you to do?" Hyung asks and i think deeply.

What was it again?


"If i remember correctly, there are two missions. One is telling me to die and one is telling to survive" i said and they got confused.

I'm confused too.

I mean, what kind of missions was that? Telling me to die and survive? How can i survive if i die and how can i die if i survive?

I can only choose one path.


I widen my eyes from the realization.

No way!

That dream is real?!

"Actually, before I woke up this morning i had a very weird dream" I said and they both look at me and ask what's in my dream.

"In my dream, there are voices as well, a demonic and an angelic voice. Although these voices are different from the demonic/angelic mechanical voices that I heard before. Although these voices do not speak like one and just speak simultaneously, these voices have a powerful feeling to it. Like they can suppress my whole being just by talking to me" I said and Jong-suk hyung asked...

"What did they tell you?"

"I don't quite remember it all, just some of it. They told me that they have been watching me for many years and they know all the things about me. They didn't tell me who they are, they just said that they are my consequences and that they are watching me. They also said something about guiding me from the paths that I'm going to walk on. They said that I can choose whatever path I wanted to take but just because it's my decision doesn't mean they can't interfere with it" I explained and the realization hit them.

"So what you're saying is that they are the one who is making those missions and they will let you choose the path you think you are right and they will interfere if they think you are wrong? Did I get your explanation right?" Jong-suk hyung said and I nodded.

"So if you have two missions: the one is to die and the one is to survive then what is the correct path? You're still alive and became a girl so obviously, you got punished. So does that mean that dying is the correct path for you? That is crazy!" Jinyoung said and I remembered something again.

"No. They said something about reviving me to this world again means I died?" I said and they widened their eyes from what they heard.

"An unknown existence that can revive dead?! I think there is more to it than what meets the eye" Jong-suk hyung said and massage his temples.

Suddenly, he got a call and excuse himself from the room.

"Yoo Jin-ah, don't worry. Whatever happens, I will always be here for you" Jinyoung said and pats me on my shoulder. I smiled at him and nodded.

"These things are crazy so I really need you right now, Jinyoung-ah. I don't know what to do without you. From the two of us, you have more knowledge about these things than I do" I said.

"I will always be here my little brother. And can you just call me hyung like you did when we are trapped inside the endless void? I kinda like it when you are calling me that...oh, how about oppa since your basically a girl now" he said while laughing at me. Obviously, making fun of me.

"I don't wanna~" I said teasingly and put my tongue out.

"Oh I see, so you wanna play this game huh. But let me tell you, two can play this game" he said and smirked.

He suddenly pounced me on the bed and started tickling my sides.

Were so busy tickling each other that we didn't notice that Jong-suk hyung already came back to the room.

"I don't want to interrupt your sibling's bonding time but I still have a shooting for my upcoming drama"Jong-suk hyung said and we stop our tickling war.

Jinyoung and I got up from the bed and bid our goodbyes to Jong-suk hyung.

"Hyung. Thank you for your help today. I won't forget this." I said and bowed to him.

"No worries. Jinyoung is my very good friend. And by the way, i will still do some research about what happened to you. I don't know if i can get an answer but i will do my best. And lastly, refrain yourself from telling these secrets from others, okay?" he said and I nodded

I and Jinyoung also said our thanks to him for his help.

We bid our goodbyes with each other and promised to meet again to talk about my issues.

After hyung leave the room, I remembered something really important.


"Hyung, what happened to mom?!" I said and he looks at me.

"Don't worry, she is okay now. She's in the other room, just three rooms away from here. Do you want to visit her?" He said.

"Even if I wanted to I can't, she won't recognize me" I sadly said and sit on the bed.

"Don't worry, I will think of a way so you can visit her tomorrow but for now you should take a bath, you stink" he said and laugh.

I just lightly punch him on his shoulder and goes to the bathroom inside the room to take a bath.

"Just get some clothes inside the cabinet, alright?" Hyung said and I said yes.

After that, he left the room and locked the door.

Inside the bathroom, I don't know how to look at my body while being naked.

Because come on, I'm a guy so seeing a very beautiful girl butt naked makes me feel so weird.

I open the shower and start cleaning myself.

And this whole situation is very awkward for me.

After the bath, I take a good look at myself in the mirror.

Damn, I look hella good.

I have an innocent goddess-like face with a very petite body and a medium-size chest. Not too big but not too small.

My height seems to decrease a lot. From 6 feet to around 5 feet.

I turn around and look back to see a small tattoo on my back, just the bottom of my nape.

I turn around and look back to see a small tattoo on my back, just the bottom of my nape

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I widened my eyes from what I saw.

"Woah! What is that? Is that a cursed mark or a blessing mark?"

I think deeply but I just shrug it off and just decided to ask hyung about It tomorrow.

So at the end of the day, it turns out that I really do have a mark.

I got out of the bathroom and take some clothes inside the cabinet and wear it.

I turned off the light and walk up to my bed and lay down.

I sigh.

From this day onwards, my life will be full of craziness.

To be continued...

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