Chapter 14

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(7:34 am at Kwangdong Hospital)

Yoo Jin's POV

I'm currently eating my breakfast in a bed table while talking to my brother about the mark on my back.

I showed it to him earlier and he was shocked for it's the first time for him to see this kind of mark that I currently have.

"So we're really right about you getting a blessing and a curse at the same time. Damn, how in the world that happened?" Jinyoung said and I just shrug my shoulders.

"Did you already inform Jong-suk hyung about this?" I ask and he nodded.

"Yes, i sent him the picture of your mark that I took earlier and he said that he was gonna research about it. He also said that maybe your mark will be the answer to our questions. Let's give him some time. For now, you should adjust to your new body and remember, make sure no one will know about who you really are or that person's life will be in danger. Keep in mind that you're not Yoo Jin anymore until we figured out how you can go back to your normal self. This isn't a game, alright. Were fighting demons here and if you let others know about this then they will be in great danger" Jinyoung said and I nodded.

I understand and it's not like I was planning to tell others that I've become a girl. They will think I'm crazy. Heck no!

"Hyung, can I visit mom?" I ask.

"You know that she won't recognize you, right?" He asks and I nodded.

"I still wanna see her. I...i wanna see mom and dad and say sorry for everything even though they won't recognize me. I just wanna let out this guilt inside my chest. If not for me, she won't get in a car accident" I said and look down.

Suddenly, Jinyoung pats my shoulder.

"It's not your fault so stop blaming yourself. Alright, let's visit her. I'm just gonna say that your a friend of mine" he said and I smiled.

"By the way, you will be discharged today so take a bath before we visit mom. I bought you some girl's clothes so just wear them in the meantime. It will be awkward at first but you will get used to it eventually" he said and I sigh in defeat.

There are so many punishments that they can give me but why this?!

I know that this is not a deadly punishment and I should be thankful but still! It will be too hard for me to adjust as a girl!

I will feel gay if I act like a girl but I will look tomboy if I act like a boy so I don't know what to do!


Jinyoung goes out of the room and locked the door and I go to the bathroom and take a quick bath.

(After 20 minutes)

I'm now here, standing in front of mom's hospital room.

I'm nervous.

But I wanna see her and at least get a hug from her.

I really need it...I need my mom's love in this situation I'm in right now.

Jinyoung opens the door and we got in.

Inside the room, there is dad sitting on a chair beside the bed and mom laying there while smiling at Jinyoung.

"Son where we're you? I've been looking for you. Where is Yoo Jin?" Mom said and I got more nervous.

Dang, we forgot that because I've become a girl, the guy version of me will be missing.

Jinyoung and I look at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Who is she Jinyoung? You didn't tell me that we have a visitor" Dad said while looking at me.

Even this! What's my name?! Oh my God just how stupid we are to not think about these simple things?!

Were so focus on these blessings and curses that we forgot the necessary things for me.

"She's ummm...her name is...ummm...-" I cut Jinyoung off and said...

"I'm Yoo...yoo...Yoo Jae..-"

"Yoon Ja-Yie" Jinyoung said cutting me off.

What kind of name is that?!

I glare at Jinyoung but he just playfully smile at me

"Yes yes, I'm Yoon Ja-Yie but please just call me Jai. It's nice to meet you, Sir and Madam" I said and bowed to them.

They just smile at me and mom motion me to come closer.

When I got in front of her, she suddenly hugs me.

"Jinyoung-ah, how dare you not telling us about this cute friend of yours?" Mom said and playfully glare at Jinyoung.

"We just ummm, she's actually ummm...a very busy person that's why I have no time to let you guys meet her" Jinyoung said and smiled awkwardly.

He's a fast thinker hahaha.

"Jinyoung-ah, don't forget that you're already getting married so make sure that you guys are just friends" Dad said and smirked at him.

We both blush by dad's sudden statement.

That's disgusting.

"It's not like that dad! And besides, she's just 16 years old and still in high school. I'm not a pedophile!" Jinyoung said and mom and dad laugh.

"I'm just screwing with you young man HAHA" Dad said while laughing hysterically.

"By the way son, where is your brother?" mom asks Jinyoung.

"Ummm Jai, we're just gonna talk for a minute so if you please-"

"Sure, I'll excuse myself for a minute" I said cutting Jinyoung off.

He needs to explain things about me to them. I don't know what's he gonna say but I trust Jinyoung.

Mom smiles at me before I leave and I do the same.

I patted Jinyoung on his shoulder and whispered my good luck to him before leaving.

After I got out of the room, I just stroll around the hospital.

I can't believe that I used to hate my family for my own selfish reasons.

I got blinded by my hate that I didn't notice how jerk I have become over the years.

I hurt them.

Mom, Dad, and Jinyoung.

Maybe this punishment is for me after all. Maybe I deserve this.

I continue walking mindlessly until I bump into someone.

To be continued...

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