Chapter 22

404 35 10

(11:45 pm at Jeju Island, South Korea)

Tzuyu's POV

I'm currently fighting a Shadow demon in a dark alleyway right now. I tried to do my very best to avoid this kind of trouble, but the trouble is the one finding it's way to me.

I'm actually having my vacation right now here in Jeju Island with my other two friends because it's my birthday day today but unfortunately, I can't end my night in peace.

While me and my friends are on our way to the hotel we are staying at after a long day of celebrating my birthday, I've felt a dark energy in the alleyway.

I know at that moment that I can't end my birthday in peace. But it's my duty as a Champion of Virtue to eradicate every malicious being here in the world.

I can't complain, great power comes with great responsibility.

I close my eyes and feel the dark energy surrounding the alleyway.

The amount of dark energy in there is enough for me to feel a chill on my spine.

Luckily normal mortals can't feel this dark energy or else they might freak out.

Having this huge amount of dark energy here in the alleyway means there might be a burst or stronger demon around.

I can't let it loose or else many people might get in danger.

So I just said some excuse to my friends and tell them to go to the hotel first and I'll catch up because I still have something important to do.

And here I am. Facing a Burst Shadow Demon.

Although, I'm confident with my own strength but this is a burst demon and I'm still not on that level to face a strong demon like this.

Demons have 7 levels of difficulty and strength.

The easiest is the Normal Demon.

The second is the Elite Demon.

The third one is the Burst Demon.

The fourth is the Core Demon.

The fifth is the Titan Demon.

The sixth one is the Colossal Titan Demon.

And the seventh and the strongest is the Demon General.

These are all the normal levels of the demons because higher than Level 7 will be a demon that can literally terrorize the world by itself. And those demons are called Transcendent Ranking Demons.

Although I can handle a Normal and Elite Demon just fine but facing a Burst Demon will be a lot harder.

Luckily, there weren't any other civilians around so I can fight all out. But just in case, I still put on my mask so no one will be able to know who I was just in case there is any passerby.

 But just in case, I still put on my mask so no one will be able to know who I was just in case there is any passerby

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