Chapter 9

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Superbia's POV

I stared at the two bodies laying down infront of me.

One of the body was laying on the ground unconscious while the other one is trying to crawl and stand up. He is also trying to get some help but that would be pointless because the time was still on hold at this very moment.

I stared at the kid who is desperately trying to stand up even though he knew that he no longer can.

What is this feeling?

Why do i feel like there is something holy and demonic inside his body?

What the hell is going on?

The curse should have already been integrated into his soul but something is preventing it from happening.

Did Jinyoung really did what i think he did?

There is no way...

But looking at Jinyoung, he already lost that holy aura that surrounds him just a few minutes before he was gone.

Seems like he really did pass his blessings to the kid.

I sigh at what jinyoung did.

Did he not know that putting a curse and a holy blessing to the soul of a mortal will cause a chaos to the mortal's soul and vanish from existence?

Suddenly, i felt a pressure coming from the body of the kid.

What the hell?

I look closely to the kid and saw something unbelievable.

A curse and a blessing are two existence that will always repel each others. But this...

Inside the body of the kid resides a devil and an angel that aren't repelling each others. Like this two existence are one.

The kid should have been dead by now but what the heck is this?

Suddenly I felt the weird existence stared at me from inside the kid's soul.

For the first time in so many years, i felt fear once again.

Just looking at the kids body makes me shiver.

Devils are more higher in rank than us demons. The same for angels. This existence made my legs go weak.

Just what the hell is that? A devil or an angel?

Dammit! I'm the Sin of Pride! I have nothing to fear!

But suddenly, a huge pressure came down upon me, making me kneel to the ground.

{Respect your elders, you moron...} the unknown existence's voice said inside my head.

Two voices?!

This devil or an angel's power shocked me to the core.

To be able to make me kneel just by putting a pressure on's are very strong.

Maybe as strong as Wrath or maybe stronger.

I need to get out of here.

"φόβος" i chant then suddenly i got inside my domain.

That power...

I need to report what happened as soon as i got back to hell.

That existence doesn't belong to heaven or hell. Just what the hell is that?

Yoo Jin's POV

I woke up floating inside the endless void.

I can't see anything.

And i can't feel or hear anything.

Just nothing.

It's just like from before but at the same different.

From before, i can still feel pain but in here i can feel nothing.

Like I'm part of the endless void itself.

Suddenly I heard voices...

{We've been watching you for so many years...}

The voices sound so was like piercing my soul and put fear inside of me.

The voices sounds like a demon and at the same time angelic.

Like a two voices talking simultaneously.

"W-who are you? Why am i here?" i ask

{Grahahaha tell us something...what do you fear the most, Yoo Jin?} the voice said with a very creepy laugh

"W-what the... Who are you? How did you know my name?" i ask again

What the heck?

{Grahahaha you don't know us, but we most certainly know you. We know you better than yourself...}

What is he talking about?

{You see, all the things you have said, all the things you have done...we were watching, observing and judging...}

What the heck?

{So let us ask you this...if someone has been watching you, if someone knew everything you had done, just how safe you would feel in their presence...}

Is he threatening me?!

"Who the fuck are you?! What do you want?! Do you think I'm scared of you?!"

{Grahaha we applaud you for trying so hard to hide within the safety you so ignorantly percieve you have...}

"W-what are you saying?! Just who the hell are you?!"

{Do you want to know who we are? Very well...we are the moths drawn to the burning flame of vile indiscretions, acts of violence, to wrongful suffering to those who do wrong...we are mercenaries. Mercenaries not of justice, not of light or of aid. We are mercenaries but of darkness, pain and suffering. We are the evil and the good that comes for the evil. We are not here for reconsiliation, we are not here for justice....}

{We. Are. Your. Consequence}

"Just what the heck are you saying?! What do you want?!"

{You are no longer in control here, Yoo Jin. Your words no longer carry any value...}

"Just who the fuck are you?! Why me?! Where am i?! Tell me what do you want?!"

{Our names are irrelevant, but our purpose is to make those who cause suffering to...suffer}

"What did i do to you?!"

{Not to us but to those people around you...}

"I didn't do anything!"

{Oh,so you don't remember...let's jog your memory for a bit, shall we?...}

Suddenly the image of my family came in front of me out of nowhere.

To be continued...

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