Chapter 2

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(7:04 am at Krillin Multi Arts Highschool)

Yoo Jin's POV

I arrive at the parking lot of the school with so many fan girls waiting for me.

You see, I'm the most popular student here in Krillin Highschool.

In here, I am the king.

I got out of my car and hurriedly go to my room.

Im running late for my first subject which is one of my major subjects...


I usually ignore my subjects but not this one because of one particular reason. I want to become an idol.

You see, Krillin Multi Arts Highschool is the school for kpop idols. Majority of kpop idols are graduates in here. And i want to become one as well.

The truth is, it's not my dream to become an idol. I just want to prove my parents that i can be like Jinyoung. That I am better than him or anyone else.

I arrive in front of the classroom and enter without even knocking.

All the attention was on me but i dont care.

"Mr. Park, youre late." Ms. Im Yoon-Ah said while looking at me for my excuse.

"So? This school is mine so i can do whatever i want" i said without even looking at her and go to my sit near the window in the back of the class

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"So? This school is mine so i can do whatever i want" i said without even looking at her and go to my sit near the window in the back of the class.

She just sigh and continue discussing the lesson.

My mother was actually the one who own this school. While my father owns the biggest entertainment company in South Korea which is JYPE.

I just stare outside the window while listening to the boring discussion until I saw something that makes my blood to boil in anger.

My good for nothing brother is here. Jinyoung.

I really envy jinyoung for all the things that he have.

Fame, Looks, Talent, and Attention for our parents.

A minutes later a knock was heard through the door.

"Come in" Ms. Im said and the door open revealing my brother that cause an uproar to the whole room.

"OMG Jinyoung from Got7?!"

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"OMG Jinyoung from Got7?!"

"What us he doing in here?"

"So handome~"

Jinyoung cleared his throat before speaking.

"Good Morning Ma'am and sorry for interupting your class. I just wanna excuse Yoo Jin for a minute. Will that be okay?"

"Sure, go ahead" Ms. Im said and jinyoung nodded.

I walk out of the room and intentionally hit his shoulder hard with mine.


Jinyoung excuses himself from Ms.  Im before closing the door.

"Follow me" he said and start leaving.

"Who are you to order me around?" i said but he just ignore me.

Tsk such a spoiled brat.

I followed him until we reach the rooftop.

No students are here yet because the class was still ongoing.

"So what do you want? I dont have time for you bull crap so spill it" i said coldly to him and he just stare at me with no emotions to be seen on his eyes.

"why are you being like this?"

"being like what?"

"Being an asshole" he said and came in front of me.

"Did you know that mom got hurt because of you? Huh?" he said while looking cold at me but i dont give a fuck.

"So what if she got hurt? It doesn't matter to me even if she die" i said and he grab my collar harshly and punch me in the face.

"How can you attempt to say that to your own mother?!" he said angrily while glaring at me.

"My mother or your mother? Did she ever give a fuck about me?! Did she ever ask how I am?! Did she ever show even a tiny bit of concern to me?! No! Because Mom and dad only gives all their love and attention to you!" i said and push him away from me.

"Why can't i be as talented as you?! Why cant I be as handsome as you?! Why do you have everything while i dont have any?! Why?!" I ask but he just stand there. He cant even look at me.

Right, you have everything you spoiled brat.

"Since were kids, your the only one who got so many presents on your birthday. You always have the best clothes while I get the old ones that you used before. Mom and dad since back then, always gives you their full attention and none for me. Like your the only son. How about me?! Why always you?! I'm here as well! I'm their son as well!" I said and i didnt notice that my eyes are already wet.

"i-its not like that Yoo Jin-ah" he said to me and try to approach me but i push him away again.

"i-i didn't know you feel that way. I always thought your happy" he said

"you didn't know? What can i expect? Your just a spoiled brat" i said and leave him there.

I go down to the parking lot and hop on to my car and leave the school.

I need some fresh air.

To be continued...

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