Chapter 4

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(11:02 pm at the Parking Lot, outside the Lotte World)

Yoo Jin's POV

"Jinyoung took everything from me. He took everything that supposed to be mine. Including you" i said and start to approach her. She back away but i held her hands and pull her towards me.

"It's time for me to take what's mine" i said and kiss her lips aggresively.

She tried to resist but i didn't let her.  She push my chest forcefully and slap me on my right cheek.

"Yoo Jin-ah! dare you?! Im already your brother's fiance and we love each other. Your not like this before! Im so disappointed in you..." she said and walk away leaving me here alone.

I smack myself on the head multiple time and let out my frustration.

"Aish! Why did i do that?!" i said to myself

I'm such an idiot.

Of course she love Jinyoung. He's too perfect not to take a liking from someone like him.

I'm too out of her league.

Damn you Jinyoung!

After a few minutes of letting out my frustrations, I go to my car and drive home.

I can't get irene out of my mind.

She's my first friend, my first girlfriend and my first love.

But of course, it was all for nothing. Because she's also my first heart break.

And i know, it's because of Jinyoung. It's always him!

I grip the steering wheel hard while driving. I fasten the speed of my car and drive away furiously.

If only Jinyoung didn't born.

If only I'm as good as Jinyoung.

Jinyoung you bastard.

I put the speed of my car to the limit and just drive away my problems.

I hate this life, i hate this world, i hate everything!

I forcefully kick the breaks and the car stops.

I got out of my car and punch the nearest wall in front of me.

"ARGGG!!!! Jinyoung you bastard!!!" i scream while punching the wall. At this time, i cant feel the pain from my knuckles.

Is it because I'm already numb from the pain or because my heart hurts more than my knuckles?

I dont know and i dont care.

I punch and punch and punch until i can no longer.

I rest my self to the wall and just sit there all by myself while my knuckles are bleeding.


My phone is ringing, indicating that someone is calling me.

I take it out from the pocket of my jeans and look who's calling.

Spoiled Brat is calling...


I accept the call.

"What? Did you call just to mock me? Huh?! I dont have time for you-"

"Shut it Yoo Jin-ah! Go to Kwangdong Hospital right now! Mom got into a Car Accident! Hurry!!!"

Mom? Car Accident?

My eyes widened from the news.

I end the call and hurriedly goes back to my car and drive to Kwangdong Hospital.

It's 25 minutes away from where i am so i put my car's speed to the limit without a care to the world.

Mom! What the heck?! You can't die! Not yet!

I drive on my fastest speed and giving no fuck about the traffic lights.

Mom is the only person on my mind right now.

I hate her, but why do i feel like this?

Why do i feel like my world is crumbling once again?


I didn't notice but my eyes are already shedding tears for an unknown reason.

She can't die yet! I still wanna tell her how i really feel!

I still wanna tell her that i hate her for always leaving me behind for Jinyoung.

I still wanna tell her that i hate her and dad for not giving me the love and affection that i really wanted!

I still wanna tell her that even if i hate them...

Even if i hate her...


While my mind was in a mess, i didn't notice that there is a police car chasing me.

"Dammit!!!" i slowed down my car and put it on the side road then park.

I got out from my car as well as the police officer.

He came towards me and speak.

"Sir, your over speeding, can i get your license please" he ask.

Fuck my luck.

"I'm actually in a hurry right now officer, there is an emergency and i need to go to Kwangdong Hospital right now" i said but he seems to not care about it.

"Your license sir" he sternly said and i sigh.


"You see officer, I'm still a minor so i dont have a license yet-"

"Oh so a minor driving without a license and over speeding at that. Another violation for you. Please come with me at the Police Station" he said cutting me off.

Here goes nothing.

"Officer, how about let's talk thing out here and just forget everything"
I said while secretly getting some money from my pocket and putting it on my hand and gesture a handshake.

"Ten Thousand Won is enough, don't you think?" i said and he take my hands. We did a handshake while he secretly took the money out of my hands.

"Be careful on the road kid. I hope not to see you again driving like a maniac" he said and leave.


After he leave I hurriedly go to my car but something unexpected happen.


My car exploded.

To be continued...

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