Chapter 7

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(Inside the φόβος domain)

Yoo Jin's POV

I tried to run away but mom pounced on me and sit on top of me while holding the knife.

"Mom please no I'm sorry!" i beg but she didn't listen and stab me on my chest.


This pain was unbearable.

The pain comes with a sudden surge of memories inside my head.

But this memories aren't mine.

It's from mom.

(Inside the memory)

I'm here, standing in what looks like an operation room inside the hospital.

There was a very familiar women with a bloated stomach laying down with a female doctor between her legs.

There was also a very familiar man beside her, holding her left hand while encouraging her.

"Mom? Dad?" i said while looking at the women who's currently giving birth to a baby.

An hour later she successfully gave birth to a very healthy baby boy.

"Congratulations, it's a boy" the doctor said and put the baby on mom's side.

She looks happy.

"Who is that kid? Jinyoung? She's always happy when it comes to Jinyoung" i said bitterly.

"Can i know what's his name Mrs.  Park?" the doctor ask while smiling.

Mom looks at her and said...

"Yoo Jin, His name will be Park Yoo Jin. Yoo means plentiful and Jin means precious. Plentiful because for me he is more than enough and precious because i will love him and treasure him with all my heart" mom said that shock me to the core.

That's me?

The scenery changes and It's now night time.

I'm outside of what seem's like an abandoned house.

Where is this? This place...looks awfully familiar to me but i can't seems to remember.

The house looks old and dusty. And this place was located in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of trees surrounding the whole area.

A minute later i decided to go inside but before i can do it, the front door of the house slammed open revealing a two kids who are running from something.

The taller kid looks around 10-12 year's old while the other one looks 4-5 years old.

The two kids look scared for something unknown to me while running out of the house.

Suddenly, a man appears behind them and grabbed the taller kid.

The taller kid screams to the younger one to runaway and leave him behind.


This scene...

It happened before...

The taller kid was jinyoung while I'm the younger kid.

We got kidnapped that time for ransom money.

I just runaway that time while crying and screaming for help. I can't do anything at that time. I'm so weak and powerless.

If only i didn't runaway.

If only i got a little braver and tries to fight back...

Maybe my brother wont...

He won' alone while suffering.

The little me runaway, leaving Jinyoung to the man.

From this point on, i have no idea what happened to Jinyoung.

The scenery once again changes from the old abanddoned house to a room inside the hospital.

In this room, there was him. Jinyoung, lying on the hospital bed with full of bruises on his face and body. He looks pitiful and fragile.

He also got many burn marks on him as well as stitches.

There was also dextrose injected unto him to keep him dehydrated.

In this room there's mom, dad and the younger me looking at Jinyoung while crying.

I now remember that from this day onwards, all of their attention will only be dedicated to jinyoung.

And this was the very reason why i got jealous over Jinyoung.

I'm so selfish.

I'm so naive that time.

My brother sacrificed himself for me. He takes all the pain alone just so i can be safe. And the only thing that i can do to repay him was to understand and love him...

But instead i got mad at him, i hated him, i treated him badly and i forgot all of the things my brother did for me just because I'm jealous.


Brother...I'm sorry...for everything.

At this moment, i cried. I cried until theres no more tears to let out from my eyes.

I'm such an idiot for hating him.

I'm the spoiled brat all along. Im the bastard, the stupid one and the selfish person.

All this time I thought of him as someone i hate the most. So naive...

I'm ashamed of myself!

"Brother" i got out of my own thoughts when the kid Jinyoung talk.

I look at him and he do the same.

Is he talking to me?

I look around and noticed that everything stopped except for the both of us.

I look at him again to see him crying...

"Brother, why do you hate me?" he ask.

His tears becomes blood.

"Brother, you hurted me" he said and i saw something that frightens me.

He stomach was open, revealing his internal organs.

I vomit at the scene infront of me.

I look around and saw mom and dad looking at me as well. They are both covered in blood just like Jinyoung.

"You killed us" they said in unison while looking dead on me


"You killed us"


"You killed us"



"ARGGGGGGG!!!!" i scream on the top of my lungs while covering both of my ears and shutting my eyes so i can't see them or hear their voices.

To be continued...

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