Chapter 10

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Yoo Jin's POV

Suddenly the image of my family came in front of me out of nowhere.

And the voice ask...

{Let's make you remember. What did you do to them, Yoo Jin?}

Looking at the image of my family made me feel this overflowing guilt inside of me. I feel so terrible.

All the things that i did from the past came back to me like a hurricane.

From the hurtful things that I've said before to all those terrible things that i have done not only to my family but to those people i don't like just because i think I'm better than them.

Just looking at my mother's smile put a pain in my chest.

Just looking at my father leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

And just looking at my brother's image...i... I feel ashamed of myself...

I hate myself for hurting them...

But i didn't mean to...

I was blinded by my own jealousy. I was consumed by my own desires. I was tricked by my own illusions.

{What. Did. You. Do. To. Them?} the voices sternly said


"Please, just tell what do you want?"

{Based on your tone, you now remember what you did...Grahahah... But we are not done yet. Now let's play a very simple game...}

{From this very moment, you will be revived into your world and will do all tasks we will give to you based on what you think is right...}

Huh? What is that supposed to mean?

"Why? What do you mean revive?  Just what is going on?! Just where am i?!"

{Your questions are unnecessary. It will be a waste of our time to answer any of it. Let us go to the main topic. Our purpose and only purpose is to be your consequence and guide you. Guide you not to good or bad, because it will be up to you on what path you will choose to take. Our purpose is to show you all of the paths to take and punish you to what path you are walking incorrectly}

"What does that even mean?! I don't get a single thing of what the heck you just said!"

{You will know soon, Yoo Jin. Remember, the path you will choose to take on will be depends on you but just because it's your choice doesn't mean we can't interfere with your decisions. We will watch, we will judge, and we will punish...}

What is he talking about?!

{After you leave this place, the game will begin...but before you leave, we hope that you will love our present for you GRAHAHAHA}

I don't feel so good about this present.

{Good luck little Yoo Jin...}

After that a very blinding light surrounded me and I lost consciousness.

(9:15 am at Kwangdong Hospital)

I open my eyes to see a white ceiling.

Where am i?

Is it just a dream?

I look around to see a white room.

I'm currently laying on what seems to be a hospital bed.

There's a sofa on my right just near the bed as well as TV in front of me.

There is a curtains between the bed and the sofa.

There is also a bed side table on my right with a telephone in it.

Am i in the hospital?

And about my dream, what the heck is it?

What about last night? What happened that night? Did i really survived?

I was about to check the wounds on my chest and stomach when suddenly, the door opened revealing a very handsome guy wearing a glasses that complicated his looks.

I was about to check the wounds on my chest and stomach when suddenly, the door opened revealing a very handsome guy wearing a glasses that complicated his looks

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"Oh, your awake..." he said and came towards me while smiling.

"Jinyoung, what happened???" i ask to him.

Just what the heck happened?

He just stare at me for some seconds before answering...

"So you're really Yoo Jin?" he said and i look at him like he is the most stupid human i have ever met...

...which i think he is 🙄

"What do you mean by your really Yoo Jin? What kind of question was that? You idiot. Of course I am! Who would i be then? Did you hit your head or something?" i said and he suddenly take a mirror out of nowhere.

where the heck did he get that from?

"Why don't you take a good look at yourself?" he said and handed the mirror to me.

I weirdly stare at him but he just shrugged it off, so i take the mirror on his hand and look at it...

...And oh god, i would lie if i said i didn't curse all the known gods from what i just saw.


To be continued...

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