Chapter 5

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Yoo Jin's POV

It hurts.

My whole body hurts.

The last thing I remember was my car exploding and here I am. In an endless void. Floating around.

I can't see anything but i can feel the trendemous pain all over my body.

Am I dead? I dont think so, because I can still feel pain.

What's going on then?

A moment later I saw a light from a distance.

Is that suppose to be my lifeline? That if i reach out for the light I'm going to die and go to heaven?

Am I even deserving to go there?

Am I worthy enough?

After all, i can't remember the last time i did something good.

I'm so focused on my hatred towards my brother that i forgot to live my own life.

A moment later the scenery changes from an endless void to an abanddoned room. It feels like i open my eyes but in reality my eyes was already open, it's just that the scenery changes real quick.

In here I'm alone, sitting while being tied on a chair.

I can't move my arms.

Where am I?

I look around the room to see many dusty old furnitures. Some of it was already destroyed and looks too old. The room was dark with a little bit of moonlight lighting out the room from the window.

A few minutes later i heard a footsteps on the other side of the door in front of me.

Then it opened revealing Kim Jennie.

Then it opened revealing Kim Jennie

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Yes i know her. I know her very well.

Because she's my fiance.

Were both getting used by our family to be like a bridge connecting the two families to be in a great relationship and alliance for the bussiness partnership.

She hates me though...

Because she think's that I'm the reason why she needs to break up with her boyfriend Kai.

Like heck it's fault! I don't want this as well! The only girl that i can imagine marrying was irene and no one else.

"Well well well. If it isn't the oh so famous troublemaker Yoo Jin. I didn't really expect to see you here" jennie said while obviously mocking me.

"What do you want?" i said coldly but she did'nt answer. Instead she got a knife out of nowhere and stab me on my chest.

"GAHHHHHH!!!!" i scream.

It hurts!

I'm so shock for i didn't expect her to do something like this.

I can feel the edges of the knife cutting my flesh inside my body. Blood rushing out of my chest and my mind is going haywire.

The pain makes me go crazy.

I already got stabbed by a knife before but this pain is on another level. I feel like i got stab by a chainsaw instead and continue cutting my flesh over and over and over again.

I got stab just one time but i feel like I got stab for a hundreds or even thousands of time.

I look at jennie and i saw her eyes that looking dead on me without any emotions.

"You took everything from me! You took the only person that i love in this world! DIE!!!" She furiously scream and raised her hands while holding the knife on the top of her head ready to stab me again in any moment.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" i scream but she stab me again.

"GAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" what the fuck is going on?! Who is this crazy person?!

This is not jennie! That tsundere girl wont do something like this! What the fuck?!

I close my eyes to endure the pain but once again i feel like my whole body is floating in the air.

I open my eyes to see that same endless void from before.

What the heck?

I can still feel the pain and the wounds on my chest was still there with full of blood coming out of it.

I wonder how I'm still alive.

What is this? What's going on?

Then the scenery changes once again.

I'm standing at the front door of our mansion while someone is holding my arms.

Yes the front door of our mansion. I know it very well.

The wounds on my chest are gone as well as the blood, like it didn't exist in the first place.

"wait son, aren't you gonna eat breakfast first?"

That voice...


I turn around to see my mom holding my arms while smiling at me.

This scene...

This scene in front of me was the scene happened earlier this morning!

But that smile changes into a frown.

The scenery also changed into the road with a bus and a car smashed into one another while my mom still standing in front of me and holding my arms while bleeding everywhere.

"Where were you? I've been looking for you my son" she said and i feel the pain on my chest intesified.

"If only you get home in time"

arggg it hurts!

"If only your not so stubborn"

I hold chest from pain. Every word she said. Every word doubles the pain in my chest.

"If only youre like your brother Jinyoung"

Jinyoung again!

"If only you were there to help me" she said while crying blood.

"W-what are you saying?" I ask but she didn't answer.

Instead she got a knife out of nowhere.

Not again!

I tride to run away but she pounced on me and sit on top of me while holding the knife.

"Mom please no I'm sorry!" i bed but she didn't listen and stab me on my chest.


This time then pain was already unbearable.

The pain comes with surge of memories inside my head. But this memories isn't mine.

It's from mom.

To be continued...

(Author's note)

One or two final chapters to end the MC's introduction. I know you guys are confuse to what the heck is going on but it will be explained on the next chapter.

Thank you guys for reading and for voting. Once again, I'm open for any opinions and suggestions regarding the book so if you have anything to say just comment down below. I always read your comments.

Thank you and have a nice day!

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