Chapter 19

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(11:45 am)

Jai's POV

After the chaos at the hospital, I and Taehyung didn't ride a taxi anymore. We don't want the demon to possess the driver again.

We just run and get away from some people from time to time.

Why? Because the demon manages to find us again. Every time we encounter a lot of people on the street, someone will get possess and attack us.

But even so, we still manage to escape from the demon.

But I know it won't last long till it finds us again.

Anyway, after hours of running, we finally arrived in front of his clubhouse and let me tell you...this is more like a mini castle than a clubhouse.

this is more like a mini castle than a clubhouse

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Damn rich kid.

My family is also rich but to actually waste your money on a clubhouse like this is insane!

It's not even necessary to make your clubhouse like a mini castle!

And is this even a clubhouse? This is more like a vacation house!

"Are you sure this is a clubhouse? Club for what? Royalty?" I ask Taehyung but he just smiled proudly.

"I want to create my own club at school, and I think this is necessary for a handsome guy like me to have a handsome of a clubhouse. Though the school club I want to create isn't formed yet but soon" he explains and I just shrug it off.

It's not my business anyway. It doesn't matter to me even if he builds a castle made of gold. My only mission is to protect him from the demon.

But seriously, is this even necessary for a school club to have their own clubhouse? I didn't join any club so I have no idea if this is normal or not. But our school is prestigious so many of the students there are rich kids so maybe this is a norm?

"Let's go inside, you still have a lot of explanation to do" he said and start walking inside the clubhouse.

(11:51 am at the Clubhouse Meeting Room)

After we got inside the Clubhouse, Taehyung directly guides me to the meeting room to discuss everything that happened today.

After we got inside the Clubhouse, Taehyung directly guides me to the meeting room to discuss everything that happened today

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To be honest, I'm a bit hesitant to tell him the truth about my mission and the demons.

Jinyong said I can't tell anyone about Champions and stuff because it might endanger the lives of others.

But Taehyung is already being chased by a demon so I guess this doesn't count, right?

And for me to protect Taehyung, I need his full cooperation. And for that to happen he needs to trust me. And for him to trust me I need to tell him the truth.

"So, Jai...i know that you knew something about this situation. You're the first one to react before the guy attacked everyone at the hospital earlier. And the monster talked to you earlier inside the taxi before you punch his face. I know there is something you are hiding from me. So please, can you tell me what the hell is going on? What kind of a monster is chasing us? Why is it chasing us? Why us?!" Taehying asks with full of curiosity on his eyes.

I took a deep breath before answering.

"What I'm about to tell you is crazy so please listen closely" I said and he suddenly gets close to my face.

"N-not like that y-you idiot! I meant to listen carefully!" I stuttered while blushing madly and I slightly push him away.

What kind of an idiot is he?!

He just backs away as if nothing happened.

"Alright, the monster that is chasing us earlier is actually a demon. A possessive demon to be exac-" I said his eyes got widen from shock.

"Demons are true?! Yah! This is not the time for jokes!" He said cutting me off.

I sigh.

Yep, he's an idiot

He already saw the demon at the taxi earlier so why is he still not believing me?

Ugh, this is gonna be harder than I thought. I don't know how to explain this to him.

"Wait for a second, I will call someone who can explain these things to you" I said and proceed to call Jinyoung.

I explained everything that happened and gave him the address of the clubhouse.

(After 1 hour)

Jinyoung arrived here in the Clubhouse.

I told him that it was pointless to hide the truth from Taehyung anymore.

I mean, it's already meaningless because his life was already in danger from the demon's attacks.

So even if he got to know our secrets, nothing will change, the demon will still chase after him.

Just what is so special about him? Why do the demons want to kill him?

We gathered at the meeting room and Jinyoung told Taehyung about the demons and the champions.

But we didn't reveal to him my secret of me being a guy originally.

After some hours of explaining, Taehyung now gets a glimpse of what is happening.

Although he is still doubting earlier but Jinyoung showed him some of his powers and that cause him to freak out.

"So you're telling me that you two are Champions or like a demon slayers and Jai's mission is to protect me from demons. But why me? Why these demons want to kill me?" Taehyung asks confusedly and Jinyoung answered.

"The truth is, we still really don't know the specific reason. We just know that they want to kill you for political reasons. But I have some theory. It's only just a theory at the moment without any proof but there is a high possibility that it might be true" he said and we nodded.

I'm also curious why the demons want to kill Taehyung.

"The possessive demons can only possess those mortals with a huge amount of negative energy in them. So if they manage to kill you, your father will be devastated and his body will release a huge amount of negative energy. If that happened, the demons will be able to possess him and infiltrate the government. Your father is being liked by the people of South Korea so he will most likely to win as a senator once again. That makes him the best target for the demons and that's also why the demons want you dead. Your the only family that your father left so you're the perfect bait for the demons" Jinyoung explained and it now all makes sense.

So my guess is right. The demons want to infiltrate the government.

This mission is bigger and harder than I thought. Now I finally got to know the reason why failing this mission will cost thousands of lives. It's because the demons will infiltrate the government and terrorized the whole Korea or even the whole world.

After explaining things to Taehyung, he is now willing to cooperate with us.

Now it's time to think of a plan.

We can't just hide here forever, sooner or later the demons will find us and we're dead.

Jinyoung can fight them but me and Taehyung can't.

For now, we will stay here and think of what's gonna do next. We can't act recklessly anymore. Lives of many people are now on our hands.

We can't fail.

To be continued...

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