Thank you!

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Oh my God!

Happy 1k reads everyone. Thank you thank you thank you so much for reading my book. And thank you so much for the votes. I really appreciate every vote so thank you so much. I know there is still a lot to improve but i will do my very best to reach your expectations.

And also, i know this story is about twice and it's already 16 chapters but not a single twice member introduced yet. Please please please be patient with me. I'm actually trying to build up my characters before meeting the Twice. I actually want this story to be as logical as possible. I mean you can't just fall in love in a very cliche way like love at first sight. That's too common and i want this story to be unique.

I actually read a lot of Twice x Reader stories and i feel like everything is being rushed. Like how the MC interacts with Twice and how Twice falls in love with the MC without much interaction. Like all of them or one of the Twice members will fall in love with the MC in just one chapter.

I mean, in real life, you can't just fall in love with someone without interacting a lot with them.

You can't just say I love you to someone you just met. That is too impossible and too unrealistic. You can't just be head over heels to someone you just met without knowing them. This is what I really don't want to do in my story, that's why this is so slow in pacing.

I don't want Twice to fall in love with Jai in an unrealistic way. As I said earlier, I want this to be as logical as possible so anyone can relate. So I'm taking my time building up Jai's character while looking for the right time to introduce Twice to Jai.

If you rush things out, there will be no space for the background of the characters and the story will be lacking the important element, information. I mean you can't just be superman without any backgrounds right? Like how did you get those powers, how did you become like this and that.

In creating a story, information is a must.

I'm not hating any books tho because all of the books here are all good, just different ways of expressing the book. Salute to all the Authors out there. I love you all!

In my own opinion, i want the story to be build up correctly without rushing things out. I don't want this story to be just like any other Twice x Reader. I want this to be unique at all costs.

I want to put real life in my book with a bit of fantasy. That's my dream book. And that's what I'm gonna do so please be patient with me and join me on my adventure while writing this story.

We are all in this together.

Thank you so much and as always, have a great day everyone!

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