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"Quinton! What the hell?"

Quinton ran into my room and started laughing. There was pictures of him everywhere on my wall. "Dude this isn't funny! Now my room looks so freaking ugly." I walked over to him and hit him in the back of the head.

"What are you talking about? This is a beautiful room now, you have your handsome brother all over the room so you don't forget about me." He kept laughing and then I grabbed one and tore it in front of his face. He made a face like he was offended and I just laughed. "Okay go away I need to pack." I pushed him out my room and started taking down all the pictures of him. They were everywhere, even in my closet.

I started to pack everything in my restroom and thought over what Quinton and I were about to do. Moving into a house full of hormonal guys was Quinton's idea and he wanted me to join. I was hesitant at first, but then remembered that I didn't want to stay in this house in North Carolina forever and having my younger brother with me was going to be fun. The only reason my parents allowed us to was because I am nineteen and they said we needed to learn responsibility.

When Quinton and I started to make videos on TikTok, it was kind of weird. We made amazing friends, but at times I felt like I didn't feel like myself. I only had fans because of my looks and I didn't know who was real or not in the new group of friends I had made. Quinton was totally fine with the whole situation and having him be my positive support was the best thing ever.

With having over two million followers on TikTok, I needed to keep my reputation chill. That meant I had to be careful with everything I said or posted. Being Quinton's sister wasn't the worst, but ever since we started social media, our relationship became better.


We were at the airport now. Hoodies and sunglasses had become our best friends after our little bit of fame came in and at that moment I had forgotten my hoodie, but I had my glasses.

"Quinton, it's not even that big of a deal. Most of the people here are adults who don't even know us." I took off the sunglasses and he did too.

"Yeah it's really hot." He said taking his hoodie off, but as soon as he did that girls not too far from us recognized my brother and I. They came running up to us and asked for pictures. We decided to just take the pictures, shoot the TikToks and go on with life. After we were done I walked over to our waiting area and sat down. "I'm going to miss this place."

"Yeah same, I mean North Carolina is our home. But I think everything is going to be okay, plus you can meet some new guys in California." He said nudging me and laughing. He wasn't wrong though, it was all going to be just fine, but for sure I didn't need to be in a relationship after my previous breakup with Griffin. Griffin and I just needed a break, but we haven't talked to each other since that day and I don't know where he was at all.


After the plane ride Quinton got super excited and started to act like a little kid. As I got our bags, he kept telling me how excited he was to stay at the Sway House with all his friends.

"Quinton. You've told me a million times, now call Bryce so we can get out of here." He nodded and called Bryce. He started to walk out of the airport do I just followed him. He hung up his phone, "They are over there, we just need to walk a little bit."

"Alright." We kept walking and we saw Bryce leaning against his car, I smiled as I saw him, but my smile dropped when I saw the person behind him.

"Hey guys!" Bryce pulled me in for a hug and then Quinton went to go say hi to Griffin. They helped me with my bags and then Quinton jumped to the front seat before I could. That meant I had to sit in the back with Griffin, but turns out it wasn't really that bad. He was telling me about my new room and how him and Anthony tried their best to make it look good. We talked about how our lives had been and he began to show me pictures of the guys and some made me laugh. But as Griffin and I were having a conversation, Bryce interrupted us.

"So (Y/n), you excited?"

"Yeah, but it's going to be a little weird with a bunch of guys in the house and I'm the only girl."

"It's going to be fun though, plus I haven't seen the guys in a while" Quinton said reassuring me. I smiled and then looked at Griffin, he was just smiling at me and I liked to see him smile again. Everything about our relationship was so good, but I had ruined it.


We pulled up to the house and then they showed me my room. Everything about the room was cool, Bryce had put Stranger Things posters on my wall and to me it looked perfect. I walked downstairs and saw all the guys hanging out in the kitchen.

"Hey, wanna meet everyone?" Bryce asked me and I just nodded. As I started to meet all of them, the reality of now living in a TikTok frat house was becoming real and I didn't know how I felt.

Many of the guys I already recognized from TikTok and I knew most of them but two.

"I'm Nick." I shook his hand and then everyone just looked at me.


"Nothing." They all said and then laughed. I sat down on one of the barstools next to Griffin and he started to take pictures with me, but didn't post them because we knew it would just start some new post for all the drama channels and accounts. I was just glad that him and I weren't weird with each other.

"My room is right next to yours so if you need anything then I'm here for you." He said while taking another picture. I nodded and then just looked at him. I admired everything about him, but I also knew that we were never going to happen again.

"You never change (Y/n)." He said laughing.

"What do you mean?"

"You still look at me that way, the way I always loved." I stayed quiet and then just went on my phone. I didn't know what to say and I needed to answer some texts from my parents. The boys kept talking and Quinton was catching up with them. I would glance up a couple times and see my brother smiling and laughing. I was glad to see him that way because we both hadn't even had time to have a real smile anymore.

The front door opened and everyone looked that way, "Hey guys! I'm back!"

A guy with black hair walked into the kitchen with a big smile on his face, he said hi to Quinton and then looked at me and smiled.

"Hey. I'm Kio." I shook his hand and returned the smile.

"I'm (Y/n)."

Everyone wasn't saying anything and Kio and I were just smiling at each other. He moved over to where Bryce was, but even though he wasn't near me we still shared glances.

With Griffin and Kio both in my area I knew that this new experience was going to be crazy.

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