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(One month later)

"Kaedian Elijah." Kio said for the fifth time that day. He was rubbing my baby bump as it had gotten bigger and smiled. He was talking to him through my stomach and always whispered to him. 

"Are you sure about that name?" I asked as I looked at him. 

He looked up at me and pouted, "You don't like it?" He scooted closer to me and put his arm around me, so that I could rest my head on his arm. He looked over at me and smiled. His eyes were nice, a softer gleam when he was with me and all I wanted to do was tell him that I loved him. Tell him that we should get married because I wouldn't be lying when I say that I wanted to call him my husband. He smiled at me as I focused on his nice features, I leaned in slowly and pecked his lips, "I love you." 

"I love you too." 

A small silence filled the room as we looked at each other. I put my hand on his cheek and smiled, "But I don't know if I love that name." 

He smiled and a small laugh escaped from his mouth, "I think it's perfect. Kaedian is like Kaeden which means fighter or companion and Elijah that name just sounds good with it." I smiled as he talked about the name. His fascination with the baby and how much he was excited to move into the apartment was nice to hear him talk about. He stayed there and started to talk about whether we were going to allow Kaedian to play football or if he should play basketball. He smiled and looked over at me, "And when we get married, I want to have all our friends there. And our families, I want to have a nice place so that we can remember it all. Then after the wedding we'll go to Hawaii or something. That would be perfect." He looked over at me and cupped my face into his hands, " What do you think?" 

"I think that would be perfect. That whole plan would be just perfect, especially with you." I kissed him once more and felt Kaedian start to kick. 

"Is he kicking?" Kio asked excitedly. I nodded my head and he started to feel my stomach. "This is so cool!" He looked up at me and then continued to move his hand on my stomach. "We are going to be the best parents." 

"Yeah, we will." 


(one week later)

"Okay do you think we should go get a crib right now?" Kio asked as I sat down on the barstool we had in the new apartment. "Yeah sure." I said. I took the keys out of my bag and threw them to him. 

"You need help?" He asked. He put his hand out for me to grab it and I did. We walked out of the apartment and went to the car. It took about ten minutes for us to get to the store and when we went inside Kio started to look at all the little clothes. 

"He's going to fit in this?" He held up a small blue onesie for me to look at it. I smiled and he pushed the cart for us. I held up a pair of small shoes and Kio put them in the cart. 

"Kio we already have enough shoes for him." 

"I'm paying for it, don't worry." He grabbed another onesie and tossed it in the cart. A smile spread across my face as he continued to look and filled up the cart with things that we wouldn't even need. "Do we need this?" 

I turned my head toward him to him when I was looking at different things that Kaedian could chew on to help with the developing of his teeth. He held up a box with the picture of a breast pump on the outside, "What's this used for?" he asked. He started to look at it weirdly and I grabbed it from him. I pointed to my boob, "It's for the baby, so that I can get milk and I don't have to breastfeed him, I'll just give him a bottle." 

"Ohhhhhhh." He said as he stared at my boob and then at the box. He grabbed the box from me and tossed it in the cart, "If it helps you, then let's get it." 

I smiled once again and we continued to shop in the store. He got a crib for the baby and once we got to the register, he had to take a couple breaths as he saw the total price, "Anything for the baby, right?" 

"Right." I said laughing as he swiped his card. It wasn't hurting him when he was tossing it into the cart, but it was for sure hurting now. 


"How do you even put this together?" He asked as he became frustrated at the instruction manual. He picked up a couple pieces and then put them back down as he made an even more confused face at the box. "This doesn't even explain it well." 

"Or maybe you just don't know how to follow it. Just be patient." He smiled at me and got up from the ground. He hugged me close to him and smiled as he looked down at my stomach, "I'll be patient for Kaedian and you." He grabbed the keys and turned the lights off in the baby's nursery. 

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I forgot tools, you wanna come?" 

"Sure." I grabbed his hand and felt him place a kiss on the side of my head. We got into the car and drove to Home Depot. We quickly went into the store and got the tools and walked back out. With much help from the staff we were able to get what we needed because Kio was very uneducated on anything in that store. 

I buckled my seat belt and looked over at him, "This is a bit harder than I expected." He grabbed my hand and sighed, "I mean now I have to become Handy Manny for this kid." 

"But you like doing things for him." 

"Yeah, I'm the best dad." I rolled my eyes which made him make a face at me. He looked at me offended and started to the car, "Damn I thought you thought the same." 

"I do! I think you're going to be the best dad ever." I kissed his cheek and he pulled out of the parking lot. We were driving for quiet a while so I turned to look at him, "Does this route feel longer or is it just me?"

"Sorry I took a wrong turn." 

I nodded my head and felt him tense up a little bit. He looked over at the car next to him on the road and he waved his hand up. "What the hell is this guy doing?" 

The car began to drive around crazily, making me clutch onto the door handle of the car. "Be careful Kio." 

"I know." He steadied the car a bit more and continued driving. We were crossing an intersection and the other car was still driving weirdly. 



"Can we get away from him?" I looked over at him and he looked a bit nervous too. He moved the steering wheel as he continued to focus on the car in front of us. 

"Yeah hold up, I'm trying to-" his voice cut out of my hearing.


 That became the scariest color to me at that moment, maybe because I was just flustered or because I couldn't see anything else but that. I tried to move. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't do anything, it all seemed unreal. 

I heard a scream, two screams now twisting together to combine. Maybe they were my own or others. I felt a couple pulls, but then everything in my body shut down and I was left to scream in the nothingness of my head.

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