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"This is so stupid!" Quinton yelled as he looked at text messages. I sat beside him with a blank expression. Last night I cried too much, but I didn't know whether it was because of Kio or something else. I was in thought and the cereal below me was becoming soggy as I steered my attention away from it.


I looked over to Q quickly and smiled, "what's up?"

"You okay, you seem out of it."

I nodded and took my phone out. Scrolling through Instagram was becoming toxic and Snapchat was filled of people doing things that would make me feel bad about myself because I wasn't the one doing it. I swiped over to tiktok and looked at my recent tiktok. Noah was smiling wide in the cover and I tapped onto it to remember those small memories. I sighed and looked at the happiness that filled my eyes as I built those legos. And I didn't care that I still liked Legos, but I wanted to know why I was so happy with Noah building legos while during the night I was stressing over someone who probably isn't doing the same.

My eyes locked on Kio's newest tiktok. Maybe he just maybe me confused because I started to see him differently.

Quinton yelled.

"I've been talking for the past five minutes and you're so zoned out. What the heck happened?"

"Sorry, I'm going to get changed." I got up from where I was and ignored Quinton's question. I walked to my room and opened the door. I was about to close it when someone's hand got in the way.

"Hey." Kio smiled down at me as he walked inside my room. I was still unsure about how to feel about him or the photo. I just smiled back and went into my closet to get my outfit for the day.

Kio followed behind and I could feel his stare on me the entire time, but I didn't say anything.


"Come here." He held out his arms and I smiled. I walked closer to his and put my hand on his chest. Pushing him back to get out of my closet, I dropped my smile, "I need to change."

He gave me a confused face and I just ignored it as I went to put on my comfortable clothes and have a relaxed day. I put on a tshirt and some jeans, walked out of the closet and before Kio could say anything I put on my slides and headed downstairs. I sat down next to Quinton who was still there but now with all the guys laughing around him.

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and looked up to Noah staring at me. I smiled and started to listen to the guy's conversation.

"We need to make the party good, don't be lame Bryce." Blake was constantly talking about the party and for what we knew it wasn't just going to be a normal fifty people party.

"I'm not being lame, I just don't want random people to ruin the party and then the night is trash." Bryce said and he chugged the rest of his drink.

"It won't be, trust us." Noah said patting him in the back.

"So you going or what?" Quinton asked nudging me on the shoulder. I looked between him and all the other guys.

"Anything for Bryce."


I looked up at my ceiling with the loud music blasting for the hundredth time that week. My thoughts were just kind of everywhere and I didn't feel like talking to anyone about it. I didn't even want to think about it.
I closed my eyes and listened to the music but shortly after it was stopped.

I sat up and looked behind me. Kio was there again.

"Turn my music back on."

"I want to talk."

"I don't."

He sat down next to me and put his hand on my cheek, "please, you've been acting weird all day."

I sighed and walked out of my room. I didn't know where to go but I heard Kio get up. I looked between all the doors of the guys room and moved quickly. I opened the door, closed it quickly and turned around.

Noah stood there with a towel around his waist and I covered my eyes quickly, "sorryyyy."

"It's fine. I'll change real quick." He went back into his closet and I sat down on his bed. Noah finally came out and sat next to me, "what's up?"

"I just don't want to talk about it."
He smiled and looked at me. He was about it to say something when a knock came at the door.

I jumped up and moved out of sight of the door. Noah looked at me confused and opened it.
"Hey." Kio stood on the other side. "Do you know where (Y/n) is?"

"No not all, probably with Q."

"Alright, see ya."


He shut the door behind him and looked at me, "what was that about?"

"Like I said I don't want to talk about it."


I laid on his bed and he laid down next to me, "So what next?" He asked.

I turned my body to face him and he turned his to face me, "I don't know."

"You still like the legos we built?"

"Of course."

We both smiled at each other and then I felt Noah's eyes on my lips, "what?" I asked.

"Nothing." He slowly put his hand on my cheek and leaned in close to me. His lips pressed against mine and I melted into his kiss just like the last time. I put my hand on his cheek and we both smiled into another. I kissed him again and pulled away from him. His smile lit up and he started to peck my face with kisses. I started laughing and he just continued to look at me with a gleam in his eyes, " I hope I don't make it hard for you to choose."

"I don't think it will."
I kissed him again.

I'm so confused.

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