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"So you're going on another date?" Quinton asked as I grabbed the cereal from the cabinet.
"No Quinton, we are just going to hang out and film a YouTube video."
He looked at me with a smirk, "Sure, well I'm going to hang out with Josh today and we're going to film a teatok."

"Okay, well have fun." I ate a spoonful of cereal and walked back up to my room to relax for a bit. A knock came at my door a couple minutes later and I got up to answer it.

Noah was standing there smiling at me, "good morning." He said putting his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Hey, you ready to film already?"

"Yeah, well if you are."

Well there goes my cereal.

"Yeah, just let me get the things together." After I got everything set to film he sat down on the chair next to me.

"That's a lot of stuff." He said smiling. I nodded my head and started the intro for the video.

Noah smiled at the camera and held up the materials I was using for his look.
An hour went by and we had finished the video, Noah was cleaning up his face from the makeup and I was cleaning the brushes. He nudged my shoulder for me to look at him, "Can you help me?"

Mascara was spread on his eyes and I laughed at his look, "First of all, you forgot to take off the false lashes."
"Ohhh." He said and grabbed more wipes for me to use. I cleaned his face so there was no more makeup and he kept acting like it was hurting so I could laugh.
"Okay, we are done. Thanks for doing the video with me." I said smiling.

"It's nothing, this was really fun." He looked down at me and then his eyes left mine to look at my lips. I knew what he was doing. I knew he wanted me to kiss him back or at least feel the same. His hand softly cupped my cheek and he started to lean in closer to me.
My heart was beating fast. What was I supposed to do? Kiss the guy that a million girls are drooling over or don't?
Our lips were inches apart and then a second later his lips crashed into mine. My hands went up to hold his face and our kiss continued. Well now more of a make out.
Now Noah Beck was becoming hotter to me than before but I kept thinking inside how I was going to explain this to Quinton.
I separated us both before things got a little too serious and he smiled down at me, "that was good." He said with a small laugh.

"Yeah." I smiled up at him and then let go of him. I started to clean up and Noah helped, but I could feel his glances on me.

"So are we going to talk about what just happened?" He asked.

"Nah, maybe tomorrow." I said jokingly, I picked up my bucket of makeup and Noah took it from me.
"Now I'll help you, but you have to do something for me."

"And what's that?"

"Maybe you could hang out tomorrow with me."

"I'll have to see Noah, but I'll for sure think about it." I grabbed the bucket from him and put it away returning a smile to him.



I was hanging out in my room when Quinton barged in and flopped onto my bed, "Dude, you kissed Noah?"
Now I didn't think Noah would say anything to anyone, but I guess I was wrong.

"It just happened, so yeah we kissed." I put my phone down and focused on my overly excited brother.

"Oh wow, well I'm proud. Good job." He said laughing.

"Whatever Q, it was one kiss."

"One kiss out of the next hundred."
I hit him with my pillow and laughed, "I don't really know though, I'll just have to see what happens."

"Yeah, but I definitely ship you with him or Kio."

"Wait, what do you mean Kio?" I asked sitting up.

"Well everyone in the house knows that you guys would be a cute couple, but it's just our opinion. Plus he said something at dinner the other day, but I can't say because you know, bro code."

"Tell me Q or I'm going to hit you again."

"Nah, sorry (Y/n). Bros before hoes."
I hit him on the arm and he winced back, "What the hell?"

"I'm not a hoe."

"Not yet." He said laughing but covering his face at the same time so I wouldn't hit him.

Now with everything Quinton was saying, I was confused. Noah and I kissed, but I couldn't really tell whether or not if it meant something to me.

Will it ever mean something?

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