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I quickly put the hood over my wet hair and felt Kio grab my hand. The cool air passed through his black hair as we walked into the store. We were there after we showered, but I took a whole combat shower because of how scared I was. I couldn't stop thinking about it, the fact that Kio and I did that for the first time, but also because we were so stupid to not think about a condom. And I wouldn't mind having kids with someone in the future, but I was unsure about how Kio felt.

I was taken out of my thought as I felt Kio's hand on my back as we were now in front of the register. I froze and the middle aged woman in front of us just waited for us to figure out what we were going to do, "Plan B?" She asked with a smile.

My face instantly blushed at the embarrassment and Kio just nodded his head, "Yeah thank you." She let out a small laugh and I couldn't stop zoning out so I didn't have to make eye contact with her, but once she got back she spoke, "That'll be fifty-one dollars and twenty cents." My mouth gapped open as I heard the price. I quickly took my wallet out but Kio gave her his card before I could. "Thank you." She said with a cheerful smile. She put it in the bag and then gave it to me, "Here you go..." She leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "I put something else there, free of charge. It will protect you and him." She giggled as we said 'thank you' and Kio led me out of the store.

I opened the bag and instantly felt embarrassed again. A purple box of condoms was in the bag next to what we actually bought. I put my face in my hands and Kio started laughing, "Did she put those in there?"

I lifted my face and nodded, "I'm sorry for forgetting." He said as he grabbed my chin with his hand.

"It's okay, we both forgot." I leaned in quickly and kissed him softly.

As we both pulled away Kio grabbed the Plan B from the box, "Do you know how to use it?"

"No, I've never even seen the box until now."

"Well I think you just have to swallow it." He opened the package and handed me the small pill. He grabbed a bottle of water with his other hand.

"Wait." I said before grabbing it.


"What if I want to have it?" He looked at me confused and then smiled.

"You want to have a kid? Like with me? Right now?" He continued to smile at me and I couldn't help but feel confused about his reaction.

"I mean I don't know."

His smile dropped and he looked at me calmly, "I think that if we had kids, they would be the most beautiful kids you've ever seen."

I laughed at the thought of him and I and then paused, "Maybe in the future." He nodded his head slowly, "Yeah, like next month, right?"

(Kio's POV)

Maybe I got a little too excited. I wanted to have a kid, but she wasn't ready and I had to understand. She laughed at my comment and kissed my cheek, "And Kio?"


She leaned in close, our lips only inches apart and I looked into those (y/e/c) eyes that I always adored. "I love you too." She quickly pressed her lips into mine and I felt her hand lead up to my cheek. I felt my cheeks warm up and she used her other hand to pull me closer by my shirt. I smiled into a kiss making her pull away, "Really?" I asked for reassurance.

"Yeah. I promise."

I hugged her close to me and felt her heart beating against me, and I wondered why it made me feel at home.


"You got her pregnant?!" Quinton yelled as we made it home. All the guys were sitting there waiting for us, as I realized it was already two in the morning.

"Q, calm down. I got the pill." She said as she sat next to him. Noah sat there beside her as he glimpsed up at me. No tension, just a smile that now Dixie liked. He started to make fun of Quinton and called him an uncle.

"The fact that you guys didn't remember is just irresponsible." Quinton said crossing his arms.

"Quinton stop." (Y/n) said.

"I bet you were telling Kio not to." Bryce said and the rest of the guys started laughing. I grabbed her hand and led her back to our room, "We're going to my room, goodnight." I said as I smiled at the rest of the guys.

As soon as we made it to the room, (Y/n) plopped onto the bed. She covered herself in my blanket and took off her shoes. "I'm tired Kio."

"Same." I laid beside her and wrapped my arm around her. "You already swallowed the pill?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just thought I could change your mind."
She smiled and kissed me. "Hmm, I'll think about it."

"How to do you feel about Kio Jr.?" I asked playfully.

"Yeahh no."

"Why not?"

"Just no." She started laughing which made me laugh too. That irresistible smile she had, her small eyes, and (y/h/c)(y/h/l) hair were just the small things that made her special. The small things that made me love her.

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