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"So I don't want to make it hard on you." Kio said as we both were just relaxing in the pool. No one was home so it was just us.

"What do you mean?"

"Well I know you and Noah had like a moment or something, but I just don't want you to have to stress about something like that."

I swam up to him, we weren't that close but just close enough to talk, "Look Noah and I are friends, and yeah I understand like we kissed but I just don't know how to feel about him that much."

"And how do you feel about me?" He got a little closer to me and smiled.

"I don't know. I just don't want to hurt either of you."

He nodded his head and put his arms around my waist, "That's fine, I'll be here." He put his hand on my cheek and before he was even able to get closer, someone came outside.

"Hey guys, were ba-" Quinton was standing there looking at us kind of shocked but then he made a stupid face, "We are talking later for sure, but you guys might want to get out of there."

"Okay, but why do we have to get out?" Kio asked.

"Well Noah, Blake, and Bryce are back too." Kio quickly let go of my waist and went to grab us towels.
I got up and sat on the ledge of the pool, "thanks" I said as Kio handed me a towel.

He sat down next to me and whispered in my ear, " I'll talk to you later, okay?"

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. His soft lips against mine and the warmth of both of our cheeks was making me have butterflies in my stomach.
I pulled away when I heard some of the guys' voices get closer, " I'm going to go shower." I smiled and put my hand on his cheek before heading to my room.


After I showered and changed, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Noah smiling, "hey." I said.

"Hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie." He got closer to me and put his arm around my waist.

"Uhh..." my head was full of stupid thoughts. I would like to watch a movie with him but with everything going on I didn't want to confuse myself. "Well, I think Quinton and I are going to hang out so maybe another time." I get it. I know that wasn't entirely true but I didn't feel anything for him in the way that I was now starting to think or feel about Kio.

"Oh okay." He leaned in and put his other hand on my cheek leaning in to kiss me. I smiled and backed away from him.

"Well goodnight Noah."
His face went from a smile to a confused face, I closed the door and took a couple deep breaths. My heart was beating fast, but I ignored the fact that that had just happened. I laid down on my bed and went on my phone for a while. I made a couple of tiktoks, posted some pictures, and listened to music. I changed the color on my led lights multiple times and paced back and forth in my room.

I checked the time again and it was now 2:34am.

I continued to listen to the new album by Kid LAROI and laid on my bed thinking. I knew the guys were all sleeping, so I didn't bother checking but when I heard a knock on my door it made me jump a little bit. I paused the music and got up to open the door.

I opened it slowly and saw Kio standing in front of me. "Heyyy." He said hugging me quick and carrying me back inside my room.
I was laughing as he plopped me back on my bed, "hi."

He laid down next to me, with his face not too far from mine. I could kiss him easily from where I was and to be honest I kind of wanted to. He smiled and put his arm around my waist pulling us closer together, "so did you enjoy today?"

"Yeah, I did."
I looked into his eyes and felt my cheeks get warm. I couldn't really see his color features that well since my lights were now on red, but I could still see him clearly.

"That's good."

"So what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Well I don't know, you came to my room."

"Okay then, let's make some tiktoks for our drafts."
I agreed and we made a couple of dance ones but also some of us just messing around. We started to dance a new one (I wanna love you; dance) and as we were doing it, Kio stopped me, "Let's start over."

We started again and in the middle of the dance Kio turned me around, pulled me close to him and looked down at me. My phone was still recording but I don't think either of us were thinking about that anymore. "Why'd you stop?" I asked.

"I don't know, I thought this was more fun." He started to lean in close to me and smiled. Our lips touching again for the third time that day but it still felt like the first. I put my hand on his cheek and we both smiled into another kiss. His other hand was now roaming my body and I moved it back to my waist which made him laugh, "Not yet?"
"Nah, let me just enjoy you." I said pulling him in for another kiss. This kiss was more rough and he started to lift his shirt up. My heart was racing faster and I was getting a little scared I was going to regret something I didn't want to do. He smiled, "Your turn."

"ha, you're funny." I said sarcastically which made him laugh a little bit. He put his arm around my waist again and kissed me softly, "I forgot about the phone."

"Well at least it only lasts sixty seconds." I said.
"Yeah." He pulled me into a hug and his skin felt so warm.

I smiled and pulled him closer for me to kiss him, "seems like someone's a simp." I said laughing and pecked his lips quickly. He smiled and laid down on my bed.

"I'll always be a simp for you now."

"Oh really?" I laid down next to him with our faces close and his arm now wrapped around my waist.

"Yeah, you're someone worth simping over."

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