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I brushed through his hair lightly with my uninjured hand and watched the movie on the screen. He was fast asleep and I wanted him to wake up. I wanted to talk to him, to apologize, to figure out my feelings for him.

I looked over at my wrapped arm, "Did I really have to do that to get his stupid attention?" I didn't mean to do it just so he could talk to me again. I just couldn't control anything that belonged to me. I couldn't even control my life. I was zoning out multiple times during the movie, the thoughts were over powering. I turned off the tv and laid down next to him. I turned to look at him and smiled. His floppy hair was growing longer, his skin was clear, and his life was going to be ruined by me.

"What are you staring at?" He asked with a groggily voice. His eyes were still closed but he put his arm around me. I didn't say anything else so he opened his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"I'm good, you're right next to me. It couldn't be better." He kissed me quickly and I turned my body so that I didn't have to look at him.


"You sure you're okay?"

I nodded my head and I felt him get up from the bed. "Where are you going?"
He went over to my side of the bed and knelt down.

"I'm not leaving, I just want to see your face."
I smiled and pulled him to come back to the bed. He was laying on top of me and I started to play with his hair again. He looked at me and smiled. "You make me really happy."

I motioned for him to scoot up closer to me so that I could hug him. He moved closer and I kissed him quickly.

"Do you think we would last?" He asked.

"Like in a relationship?"


"Do you doubt that we would?"

"No." Lies.

"I know what you're thinking Kio, I'm not stupid."
He lifted his head and looked at me.

"I didn't mean it in that way." He moved to laid down on the bed and hugged me close to him. "I just want to know what you think."

"Well if we do give it a try then I hope it does last."

"I have one question though." He said looking kind of nervous.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Are you actually okay? Because you punched a mirror and no one knows why."

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Kio."
I mean I wasn't that bothered, but talking about my mental health was hard. Mental health and anger issues were never good topics to talk about with me. I just don't know why I don't want to tell Kio that.



"Hey" Noah patted the seat next to him. I sat down and felt my nerves go up.

"So I wanted to say—"

"Don't worry about it." He cut me off but turned to me and smiled. "I know already. I see the way both of you look at each other, I wanted it but I know you guys wouldn't be able to live without the thought of being each others company." He sighed and ruffled his hair. "I was thinking anyway that you're a really good friend. I don't want to ruin that."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, plus Kio is simping. I can't take that away from him."

"Noahhh, thank you." I gave him a big hug. We pulled apart and before I left to go change he pulled me back.

"We are still building legos together though."

"I promise. We are still building those legos."

"Oh and one more thing."


"Please know that we all care for you. If you need to talk then just talk to us, theres no point in holding everything in."

"Okay. I'm going to go upstairs." I smiled slightly and headed over to my room.


I opened the door and saw Kio laying on my bed, "You're still here?" I asked.

He nodded and didn't say anything.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. So what happened with you and Noah?"

"You saw us?"

"Yeah, look I understand that you might be conflicted but I just can't be falling for you and you're not even sure about us."

I sat sown next to him and smiled, "Kio."

"Yeah?" He turned to look at me. A smile spread across his face and he held my face in his hands.

"Don't worry, he said that he understands about us."



My face was still in his hands and he was so excited that he started to peck my lips a million times. He hugged me close to him and pulled me to lay on top of him. "Kioooo, I can't breathe." I said laughing.

"Sorry, I'm just happy."

"Me too." I looked up at him and leaned onto his chest lightly, "I promise that I'll try my hardest to be the best."

"You already are."

I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I promise I'll be here and I mean that." He said with another smile.

"I like you Kio." I cupped his cheek with my hand.

"I like you too."

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