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I woke up the next morning from the boys being super loud in the other room. They were probably making another teatok, since everyone was pretty thrown back about all the drama going on recently.
I was always called the "unproblematic queen", but to be honest I just don't want people to talk shit about me. I could say something to confront someone, but I just like to be on everyone's good side.

I walked over to the guy's usual room where they film after I brushed my teeth, and see them talking to the camera. Quinton was adjusting his hat while Bryce and Josh were talking about some stupid beef.

"(Y/n), come into the video!" Josh yelled.

"Nah I'm good, I just woke up."
He got up from the sofa and dragged me to sit down with them.

"Hey" I said to the camera as I messed up all the guys'  hair. "What are we talking about?"

"Who you might be dating, but you know these are just people shipping you with Kio and Noah."

"Uhh..well I'm not with anyone, so you girls don't have to hate me." I said laughing.

"Watch next week she's going to be with Kio." Bryce said jokingly.
We finished filiming the video and I finally got ready for the day. I put on some baggy jeans, a white cropped tank top on with some Jordan 1's and walked downstairs to find Kio sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey." I said sitting next to him. He looked up from his phone and smiled. I blushed as he looked at me. Why am I blushing?

"Hey." He looked at my outfit and smiled, "you look really nice. I like your shoes."

"Thank you." I smiled and looked down at my shoes.  The green complimented the whole outfit and I guess I just liked that he noticed.

"So I was thinking..." he started to pop his nuckles and then got up from his seat. "Do you want to hang out today?"

Noah had asked me if I wanted to hang out but I hadn't hung out with Kio for a while so I just decided to say, "Yeah that'd be nice."

He smiled and grabbed my hand, "I'll go get ready." He let go and raced up the stairs to his room to get ready.

"Shit shit shit." How was I supposed to tell Noah that I couldn't hang out with him because of Kio, when we kissed yesterday. I didn't want him to get mad, so I just raced over to his room and knocked on the door. A shirtless Noah opened it and smiled at me, "hey"

"Hey, so about today, I can't really hang out. I have to go golfing with Bryce and Blake for a video."

"Oh." I guess he will be okay then. "okay, I was actually going to say I couldn't go because Kio invited me to hang out."

"Kio?" He asked looking genuinely confused.

"Well have fun." He said seriously and shut the door and I backed up. I waited downstairs for Kio and once he came down we headed out.


"That looks really good." Kio said looking at the jeans I was trying on at American Eagle. We had been to most of the stores in the mall already, but I had an idea.

"Thank you." I looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied. "Okay I'm going to change and then we are going to pick an outfit out for you."

"Okay okay." He agreed laughing a little bit. "Hurry up then."

After I changed back, we headed to go pay and I lead him to go to Hollister. I picked out a pair of pants and a loose button up shirt. It was a nice color, so he agreed to try it on.
As he stepped out of the dressing room, I was so excited. He looked so good in the outfit, "you look so good!" I said excitedly clapping my hands.

He laughed and looked at himself in the mirror, "yeah it's nice." He turned back to where I was and smiled.

We paid for the clothes and headed out of the mall. We got into the car and Kio started the engine, "this was really fun." He said looking at me.

"Yeah I enjoyed it."

He smiled and looked like he was about to say something but stopped. "Kio. What's up? I know you were going to say something."

"Yeah, but it's kind of complicated."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to say it really." He was looking down at his hands.

"Okay." I put my seatbelt on and leaned back, "ready to go?" I looked at him and he looked liked he was thinking a lot again. "Kio?"

"Oh fuck it." And with that he leaned in quickly and kissed me. I felt like I was melting into that kiss, his lips were soft and as he continued to kiss me I felt myself blush. I put my hand on his cheek and broke us up.

"Yeah." He said leaning back onto his seat. His cheeks were a little bit rosy and he just kept smiling at me.

"Ready to go home now?"

"Yeah, just one more." He got close to me and pecked my lips quickly.

I smiled and felt the heat from my cheeks get warmer, "let's go home Kio." I said laughing.

"Okay okay, I'm going." He smiled back at me before driving out the parking lot.

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