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(3 weeks later)

"Griff, pass the cereal please."

He looked at me as he brought his spoon up with another bite of cereal and scooted the box close to me, "Here"

I poured the cereal in the bowl and poured the milk. I was about to take a bite when my head started to pound with a horrible headache. I got up from my seat and got the headache pills from the cabinet.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's just a headache." I swallowed the small pill with some water and tried to stand up correctly, but almost fell.

"Woah, woah." Griffin quickly grabbed my shoulders and tried to help me up.

"Just take me to th-the-uh..." I pointed over to the couch and felt my mind not being able to identify it as that. Griffin quickly walked me over to the couch and went on his phone, "Can you get me a blanket?" I asked as the small goosebumps covered my arms and legs. He moved over to the closet and tossed it to me as he continued to scroll through his phone.

"Okay, so do you have any other symptoms?"

I made a confused face at him and felt my head pound, "What?"

"Have you had your period? Are you nauseous, does your lower back hurt?" His eyes darted everywhere on the screen and I started to think about my last period.

"Yeah I had my period like last month, I thought I was having back pains recently because I was going to have it this month."

"I don't really want to think of this, but do you think the Plan B didn't work?" I looked over at him quickly and felt my eyes water up.

"No no no.." I felt my stomach and then looked back at Griffin, "I can't be pregnant Griff."

"I don't know though, maybe it's just your period."
I laid back down and continued to look at the soft blanket I was now holding to my chest, nerves went through my body as I thought of a fetus laying in my stomach. "No it's not a baby."

"I can't have a baby Griff." Tears streamed down my face as I felt my breathing start to unease. He knelled down next to me and looked into my eyes, "I don't know what you want, but if it is a baby, then I know Kio won't be disappointed. Just because you get pregnant, doesn't mean he'll leave. It just means he has a responsibility as a father now." He grabbed my hand and smiled, "Kio will never leave, so don't be scared."

"Okay." I wiped my tears and sat up. "Can you go to the store with me?"


"Hello again!" I looked over at the lady from weeks ago. The same one that now Kio and I called the purple box lady.

"Hi ma'am."

"So you need another one?" She looked over at Griffin and smiled, putting her hand up to her mouth, she whispered, "I like the other one better." A smile spread on my face and I shook my head, "No he's just a friend, but the other one is why I'm back."

"So you need a test?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am, two just in case." She nodded her head and walked over to go get it. "How much are these usually?" I whispered to Griffin, he shrugged his shoulders and I took out my wallet.

She eventually came back with two in her hands and scanned them, "That will be $25.17." I handed her thirty dollars and she gave me back my change. "Okay sweetie, have a great day."

"Thanks ma'am."

I walked out of the store with Griffin by my side and as soon as we exited the store we saw all the boys standing there, "What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well we were kind of going to ask you guys the same, especially since you guys left without a word."

I gulped a little bit and slowly hid the bag behind my back, "Just had to get some things."

"You guys go hangout somewhere, I'll take (Y/n) with me." I looked over at Kio who had a serious expression on his face, he grabbed my hand and we both walked away from the guys. He opened the door for me as I quickly hid the bag closer to me. As he got into the car, I smiled at him.

"Why were you out with Griffin?" He asked as he looked over at me.
"I told you, I had to get stuff."

"Like what? Pads? I could've taken you, it's a normal thing you don't have to be embarrassed." He said as a small laugh escaped his mouth.

"No Kio, that's not what it is." I looked at the bag and he looked too.

"Here, just give it to me." He tugged the bag and I still held on. "(Y/n), let me see." I gave up as he gripped onto it and when he looked inside I felt disappointment race his face. "Why did you buy these?"

"I needed to check." I said at almost a whisper.

"And it's not mine?" He asked.

"Yes it is, but I-I just didn't want you to know."

He grabbed my hand and smiled at me, "You didn't want me to get excited?"


"Well, how about this?" He kissed my cheek and looked at me, "Go back inside and check. Then surprise me when you come back out."

"Okay." I opened the door and felt my heart racing. Breathing in and out, I walked through the sliding doors and went to the nearest bathroom.


(Kio's POV)

The car door handle was pulled as I was in my own thoughts. A kid? Was I crazy for being happy and scared at the same time? I wanted her to be happy, I wanted to see how our kid would look or behave and be. I wanted a kid with her, I wanted to stay with her for a long time, but the uneasiness about a kid made me think she didn't want to keep it.

The passenger door handle was pulled again and I looked up to see her standing there with the two items in her hand. I unlocked the door and she sat down with a small smile.

"So?" I said as I sat there waiting patiently. She peaked out the small pink plastic end of the test and handed it to me. I closed my eyes, I wanted to be surprised but at the same time I didn't want to see it.

"Open your eyes Kio." She said as she laughed. I opened my eyes and slowly looked down at the words on the side of the plastic and as my eyes moved to the side, I froze.

Two Lines

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