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I woke up the next morning with a huge headache and I didn't want to get out of bed, but then Quinton barged into my room and started to shake me awake.

"(Y/n)! Wake up!" he jumped on top of me making me hit him, "Ow, okay. I'll leave."

As soon as I heard the door shut, I got up and got ready for the day. I put some shorts and a t-shirt on and then headed downstairs to see all the guys in the living room.

"Morning." Quinton said while getting up to pull a piece of my hair.

"Quinton, I swear I will slap you."

He just laughed and sat next to Griffin on the sofa, "So what are we doing?"

"I'm going to chill here" I said getting up to grab a water bottle.

"Q just come with us to Hype." Bryce said.


After they were done figuring out things, I decided to go outside and relax for a bit. I was feeling the sun on my face and I was about to fall asleep again but then a voice spoke up, "Morning."

I opened my eyes to see Kio sitting there, "Hey."

"Are you really going to stay here all day? Why don't you get out of the house?" He looked up at the sky and I could see his jawline nicely.

"Yeah & I just need some time for myself." I got up from where we were and headed back inside the house but was stopped by Griffin waiting near my room door. He seemed like he was debating whether or not to knock, but he looked kind of helpless so I decided to make it easier for him, "hey Griff."

I opened the door to my room and laid back on my bed, "So what's up?"

"I'm really sorry about yesterday. I just don't really understand why we can't try again, but I don't want to push you." He looked down at his hands and if I'm being honest I didn't know what to say. There were so many reasons I didn't want to give Griffin another chance, but if I told him then I don't think he could live with it.

"Don't worry about it, it's chill." I smiled at him and he smiled too.

"Okay, do you want to hang out today?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know I just kinda thought of asking right now."

I laughed a little and sat up on my bed, "I'm just going to stay here, but I think you should go with the guys to Hype."

"Okay." He smiled again and then left my room which left me staring at my wall for a good ten minutes. I kept trying to come up with something to do today but nothing came to my mind.


The boys had finally come back from Hype and I was bored so I decided to go play basketball. I walked downstairs with my gear on and Kio noticed, "You play basketball?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go shoot around so I'll be outside if Quinton needs me."

"You mind if I play?" He got up from the couch and smiled.

"No, it'll be nice to have an opponent." We both walked outside and were playing for a while when Griffin and Josh came outside.

"No invite?" Josh said grabbing the ball from my hand. We decided to play 2v2 and Josh and I won. I was officially going to be sore in the morning and I was so tired after all those games I just laid on the court.

"You're good." Kio laid down next to me.

"Thanks, I would say the same, but you and Griff got crushed." I said joking around.

"Wow okayyy." He said acting offended. I laughed at him and he just smiled at me, "So you and Griffin?"

"No, that was a long time ago. I wouldn't try again." I started to throw the ball in the air and catch it so it could distract me a little from this awkward conversation.

"He really likes you though and he's trying his best. I did the exact same thing when I wanted to get with Olivia and it worked out really great, but of course I don't know your reasoning for not wanting to be with him."


Does Olivia = girlfriend?

"Yeah I don't know though. Wait, who's Olivia?"

"Oh she's my ex girlfriend but were trying to get back together, so I'm really trying my best to make her happy but also be happy with my decision."

"Oh." I looked away and now that I knew he was trying to get back with his ex, I knew that I wouldn't even try to look at him the same. "Well imma go inside so I can shower." I got up and held out my hand for him and he took it.

After I took a shower, I just stayed in my room and watched a movie.
I was in the middle of watching "Chicken Little" when Griffin came into my room, "you never change (y/n)."

"What do you mean?" I sat up on my bed and he laughed.
"You always like to watch Chicken Little, that's your favorite movie."

"You remember that?" I asked.
"Yeah, we would watch it all the time and then—"he stopped talking and looked at his hands. I felt bad that I couldn't give him another chance but that's just how it was for me. He used to be my everything but I don't know anymore.

"Never mind." He said sitting down on the edge of my bed, "I actually came in here to tell you that I'm trying my best & I really don't want to regret anything, so I hope you give me another chance."

"You wanna watch the rest of the movie with me?" I ignored what he said because I didn't know how to respond but if there was one thing I knew was that he would never miss a chance to watch Chicken Little.

"Yeah." He smiled at me and laid down on the bed next to me. Not even ten minutes of watching the movie, he fell asleep. He was hugging onto my waist and for some reason I didn't move his hand or anything.

I wanted to stay like that for a while.

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