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Kio's lips pressed against mine. Rougher than usual as his other hand that wasn't holding my cheek moved up and down my thigh. He was hovering over me as I laced my hands through his hair and held onto the back of his neck. Our lips moved in sync as I felt him move his hand to my waistline. "Kio." I said as I pulled away.


"I need to go help Quinton with something."

He looked at me confused, "(Y/n)."


"Are you just nervous that we may eventually get that far, like are you scared or-"

"No, I just need to help Q." I pecked his lips and stared into his eyes. He looked away from me and smiled, then looking back at me he planted a long kiss on my lips.

"Okay, well you better go then." He got off from me and sat on the bed. He ruffled his hair and I could tell he was a bit frustrated. I looked back at him before I left the room and was about to say something, but just left. I did want to have sex with him, maybe I was being inconsiderate of his feelings but I just thought maybe, just maybe I could talk to someone before I actually committed to it.

"Quinton?" I peaked my head into his room and saw him sleeping there. I jumped onto his bed and started to yell in a medium tone, "Quinton! Wake up!"

He started to shuffle in his bed mumbling things, I heard him talk, "what Cynthia?"

Hold up. What?

"Quinton. Open your eyes." He looked at me slowly and sighed.

"Sorry, I thought you were Cynthia."

"Cynthia's slept over before?" I asked.

"Just forget about it, what did you need?"

"I need advice."

"About Kio?"

He patted the side of the bed he wasn't laying down on and I laid next to him. "Okay what is it?"

"I don't know whether or not I'm ready to have-"

"Wait are you talking about...the nasty." He whispered the last part which made me laugh. I nodded my head and he sighed. "I mean I don't know, you have to be comfortable with it, not just him. It's different for guys too, we're always horny. But Kio is different, he seems patient. He has you and he just might like you in a way you don't know."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I propped myself up on my arm.

"I mean, I probably shouldn't tell you. You know-"

"Bro code." I finished.

"Yeah, but maybe one day he'll tell you."

"Yeah." I covered myself with his blanket and sighed, "maybe."


I sat down on the sofa as the rest of the guys left to go to a party. I hung my head upside down as I laid down and smiled at my stupidity. I felt my head start to hurt and as I looked up I saw Kio standing there with a smile.


"Hey." He said as he sat next to you and you lifted yourself up to lay your head on his lap.

"You stayed?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to go to a party. Being here with you is way better." He brushed through my hair lightly and smiled down at me. I got up and grabbed the back of his neck making him lean towards me. His lips only inches from mine and he smiled, "I don't know if I'm ready for this." He said with a small laugh.

I laughed too, but I knew what he was referring to. And yes, I knew that I wanted that with him, but I didn't know when or where. Maybe today, tomorrow, but with the way he was looking at me now, I wanted it soon.

I leaned in quickly and kissed him. His lips against mine as the heat of our bodies were against each other and I smiled into a kiss as I thought about him and I. He smiled too, moving his hands to my waist and then securing them to my back. I guided my hand up to his cheek as he continued to move in sync with me. I felt him put his hand under my shirt, he only rested it on my waist and didn't go any further.
I pulled away and started to lift up his shirt, he smiled but soon before it was fully off, he stopped me. "(Y/n)."

"What?" I asked as looked at him.

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I know you're not ready and I don't want to rush you." He put his hand on my cheek and smiled. "Let's just hang out."

To be honest I was kind of bummed out, I did want something to happen. I wanted him, but it seemed like I was going to have to wait or just do something about it. "Okay let's play Rock Paper Scissors."

"Why?" He asked as he sat up a little bit.

"Let's just play, ready?"

"Yeah." He put his fist out and smiled, "Rock paper scissors, shoot!" He put his hand out indicating scissors and I laughed as I saw my hand open to indicate paper. "Oof, looks like you lost."

"Yeah, I guess so." I lifted my shirt and took it off. He instantly blushed and looked away. "What are you doing?" I asked as I grabbed his chin lightly to look at me.

"Uhh respecting your body." He looked at me in the eyes and I leaned in connecting our lips again. His hands instantly went to my waist and my cheeks began to warm up. I pulled away for air,

"Seems like you're the one who's scared." I said as I brushed my hands through his hair.

"Maybe..." He surprised me by grabbing my wrists and made me lay on my back as he was now on top of me. "Or I'm just considering your feelings." His smile dropped and he got up from the sofa and walked away from me.

Maybe I shouldn't have tried.

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