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"I'm sorry." I said as I laid on top of him. I hugged onto him and felt him brush through my hair a little.

"It's fine (Y/n)." He continued to look at the blank tv.
"You sure you're okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know like-"

"Kio just talk to me." I moved onto the bed and kissed his cheek lightly.

"It's just that I don't want to rush things, we aren't even dating and I don't want you to regret anything. Sometimes people need time to think before they do things and I was just scared you were going to regret everything you do with me."

"Kio, I wouldn't regret anything with you though. I want you to be happy and I know you are just as scared as I am when it comes to being a relationship, but if we both want it then we have to try to be the best for each other."
He leaned over to me and kissed me softly, "I know, but what if-"

"If we break up?"
He nodded and I held onto him tight.

"I don't want that to happen, do you?"
He slowly nodded his head indicating a no and smiled at me. I quickly leaned in kissing him again and as I did I felt him wrap his arms around me again. He slowly leaned over me, making him hover over. His hands started to guide their way up my shirt, while he continued to kiss me. And as he pulled away from me and started to trail kisses down my neck, I knew he wanted what I did. And we were both scared, but it was what we wanted.

He moved down slowly planting kisses on my neck, probably bruising me as he continued and all I could do was lay there and hold onto him. He pulled away and looked at me as my hands were on both sides of his face. "You sure?"

"Yes." I kissed again, "You're the person I'll always go back to." I smiled into another kiss as it lead to Kio making his other hand trail down to my leg. His hand started to go higher and higher under my shirt as we continued. I broke away from the kiss and lifted my shirt up. He took his off quickly as he leaned back down to me. I started to feel his body against me and the warmth made have goosebumps.  I trailed my hands down to his waistline as he was busy still kissing me. I tugged on the loop of his jeans and started to slowly put my hands down his pants. As I went a little lower he surprisingly pulled away and looked at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, sorry." He looked an little lost, but as I pecked his lips again, he smiled and got off from me. He took his jeans off laying them on the floor and hovered over me again. I pulled off my shorts and placed them on the ground before he started to kiss on my body now. I felt hands trail to my waistline and the chills came to my body again. He slid them down my leg and came back up to me, unclipping my bra I started to mess with him and started to touch him down there again. I felt the bulge there as he still had his black boxers on. I pulled down his underwear and he quickly took them off. He connected our lips again as he slowly connected our bodies together. A small gasp fell from my mouth as he started to thrust inside of me. His lips guiding back to my neck as I felt him continue. He started to go a little faster and as I laid there I felt him pull out and look at me. I pecked his lips and made a confused look, "What?"

"Nothing." He kissed me again and I felt him put two fingers inside of me unknowingly. I felt myself almost give up but he quickly started to go faster as I started to hear faint moans comes out of my mouth. He continued to thrust them into me as he heard my row of moans. He pulled his fingers out and thrusted back into quickly with his own erection. He kissed me again as I pulled him close to me. A groan escaped his lips as he started to thrust faster and I started to feel my whole body feel hot. His own body against mine and I felt a slight confusion come to my mind. He started to go a little slower and I knew he was almost there as so was I. I softly put my hand on his face and kissed him again as we both released.

The confusion again running through my head. What was it? He turned as I did also and I put my hand on his cheek, "I-"

"I love you (Y/n)." He said quickly not letting me finish my sentence.


"I said I love you." He kissed me again and I felt myself blush but then the thought popped up into my head.


"What? What's wrong? Sorry I shouldn't have said that right after. I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't have said it right now but I'm not lying I really do-"

I quickly grabbed a towel that was beside the bed, and put it around me as I stood up. "No Kio! We didn't use a condom, that's the problem."

He looked at me with wide eyes and his cheeks were red, "Shit."

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