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I laid on my bed as I had just finished blow drying my hair. I couldn't even enjoy my shower with all the thoughts of Kio in my head. Anger filled me up but I wanted Kio by my side and I hated it. I pressed play on my music and felt my headache become worse. A stomach ache was forming inside of me as I started to become anxious. I couldn't stop thinking about it and when all the guys came to my room to say goodnight, I didn't even want to talk. That stupid picture, that one image ruined it. No, Kio did. But also Olivia.
I felt my eyes water as I clenched my fist and anger was the only thing I was feeling. I tugged at my hair as I tried to calm down, but the pillow was right there. The wall was there and the urge to let my anger out on anything was tempting.

"UGHHHHHHHH!" I yelled loudly. I couldn't hold anything back, I wanted to kick something, hit something, or just tell him how I felt.
But I couldn't even make words come out of my mouth if he came into my room. I stared at my ceiling and gripped onto the sheets of the bed. My nails grasping into the soft material, but still feeling anger build up more and more. I didn't want this, I didn't want to have these issues anymore, but they just came back and I can't do anything about it.

I listened as the ceiling fan spun around, the small clicks distracting me. Click. Click. Click.

Click. Click. Click.


I turned to look to look at my now open door. His eyes stained a light red and the small circles under his eyes stood out. He stepped forward, "Stop!" I said holding my hand out to stop him.


"Stop Kio." I got up from my bed and sat on my side of the door. He looked at me and sat in front of me. The only thing dividing us was the door frame and the tension I was having with him.

"So can we talk?" He asked.

"Yeah, right where we are." I said as I tried my best to not look at him.
"I'm sorry." He reached his hand over the boundary and I slapped it.

"I said where were at." He pulled his hand back and I sighed. I didn't want to be mean, but it just hurt and I wasn't feeling good to let him in my room. I knew if I did that he would just lead me back onto my bed and resolve the whole thing with one kiss as he distracted me from the real problem.

"I'm coming in, I'm not sitting on this floor. We're going to seriously talk." He got up and held his hand out, "cmon."
I grabbed his hand and got up and sat on my bed. He sat in front of me, still holding my hand until I pulled away and wrapped my legs with the blanket. "Okay Kio, you can talk now. Let's get this over with." 

"I'm not going to talk unless you give me your all to listen."

"Just get out of my room if you're going to be like this, I'm not the one at fault and I'm tired of seeing you." I tried pushing him off the bed but he just stayed there looking into my eyes.

"Stop (Y/n), don't say that."

"Why? Because it hurts your feelings, well you didn't think about my feelings when you let Olivia touch your hair and flirt with you!" I said as I laid down. I put my face to my pillow and just started screaming into it. I was frustrated and angry, but I couldn't hit Kio and I didn't want to break anything else.
I felt a hand on my back, he started to rub the top part of my back as I stayed there. Trying to calm me down, but as he did it all I wanted to to do was hug him. Maybe my pettiness was a bit overboard, maybe I'll just talk.
I sat up and rubbed the small tears from my face. "Okay, I'm good." I turned my body to face him and I got closer. "You can talk."

"Okay." He put his hand on my leg and then flinched thinking I was going to hit him.

"Kio, just talk"

He nodded his head, " I'm really sorry, I know I did wrong. And I know I hurt you. I just don't want you to be mad at me, but more importantly I don't want us to end over something I did." He started to rub my leg with his thumb and I continued to listen to him. "I don't have romantic feelings for Olivia, because I met you and you're way better in everything. I just want you because you are who are are. And I like you for it. I don't care if you've struggled with anger issues or anything because I'll help you with it, and I know it's straying away from what really happened but I wouldn't just cheat on you. I'm just sorry."

I nodded my head and felt my heart beat quicken as I sat there and listened to him, "I just didn't like the pictures."

"I know, but you can even ask the guys, I was mainly talking to them and she was the one who was constantly touching me."

"You touched her leg."

"Because the moment that picture was taken, I just gave her what she wanted so that she could leave me alone and yes, I know it went more than it was supposed to. And that's where I understand why you're mad."

"Okay." I nodded my head and felt my cheeks get hot. "Thank you for explaining."

We both sat in silence, his hand never leaving my leg and my gaze never leaving from him. His soft hair was laying softly on his head and I couldn't help but want to kiss him. With my hand I lifted his chin to look at me and he smiled. I got a little closer to him and leaned in. Our lips connected for only a second as I pulled away and Kio held onto my waist as I was now almost sitting on his lap.

I hugged him close to me and brushed through his hair lightly, "it's okay Kio, just don't make me feel that way again."

"I promise." He backed away and held out his pinky.

I intertwined mine with his, "okay." I pecked his lips again and smiled into one more long one as we both felt our hearts beating faster for one another.

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