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"Dude, you have to come. It's for Bryce."

"I'm not going Q, all there is going to be is under age drinking and stupidity." I get up and look at him, "And if you dare come back with the smell of alcohol on you, you're dead." Bryce's birthday party was all Quinton was talking about. I knew he wanted to go to have fun, but I also knew that his hormones are everywhere and the thought of him getting a girl pregnant at his age, just isn't it.

"I won't, so will you come?"


"So you're going to continue to stay home and not have fun?"

I did want to have fun, but the inner mom in me knew that I was just going to be cautious of what Quinton was doing. I looked at him closely and sighed, "I'll think about it."

"Yes! Okay I'm going to go call Cynthia."


Cynthia. Her and Quinton have been a "thing" for a while, but I was always feel like there's something off about her. There was a couple of times that we met where she seemed to stare at other guys but Q never noticed. I just didn't want her to hurt him, he's my brother and not her toy. She had a background, but so did Quinton so I couldn't judge.

I went on my phone and smiled as a picture of Kio popped up on my Instagram feed. As I scrolled through a couple more, a picture of Olivia popped up. I forgot I had followed her. I stared closer at the picture as the reflection from her mirror showed a familiar face. My mood had lowered, but I couldn't say anything because I didn't really know. Kio was shown in the back clearly and as I looked closer, my anger rose. Anger issues had always been my problem in life. And trust me it really is a problem. Being younger and not getting my way was hell for my parents, losing in a game of fortnite with Q was daily, and being dumped in high school was something that made the anger reach 1000. With a mix of tears and screaming, Quinton always had to sleep in my room for about two weeks so I wouldn't do anything stupid.

I didn't want to cry because if I did she would win and I didn't really know the truth yet.

I stared at the picture for a while. My body was really still and my cheeks were now stained with dry tears that I tried to hold back but couldn't. Falling for someone quickly was something that Quinton didn't like about me. He always told me that I could get farther in life without a guy being dragged behind me. So I took a break. A long one that lasted to the point of where we are now. He noticed that I wasn't the same, confident but kind of still alone. That's why he wanted me to be with someone & to him it didn't matter if it was Kio or Noah, as long as that person made me feel different.

There was knock on my door, a silence followed after and I didn't want to speak either. The door handle jiggled and opened. I turned to see Noah standing there with a smile that slowly faded as he saw my face.
"What happened?"

"I don't know."

He looked down at my phone and grabbed it. He looked at the photo and back at me. I laid back down on my bed and cuddled my blanket. He sat next to me and looked up at my LED lights, "It's always nice in your room."

I didn't reply.

"I have an idea, but you have to be willing to leave the house."

I looked at him confused and then sat up, "okay, I'll change."


I scanned the store I had always admired since I was young. Legos has always been something that connected me with Quinton, especially when we were mad at each other.

"You can pick whatever one you want. I'll pay." He smiled down at me and I gave him a small smile back.

I looked at the big figures that I wanted, but carried myself back to the small ones. Noah must have noticed because he held my hand and led me back to the others. "I said whatever you want. I'll even get one and we can build both of them together."
I smiled and adored how nice he was being, "okay."

He looked around with me and finally chose his, "here, I want this one." He said picking up the Star Wars Millennium Falcon that was eight hundred dollars.

"Really?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah. I like it." He looked at it smiling and I continued to look. I picked out The Upside Down set from Stranger Things and smiled at Noah, "Thanks."

"No problem." He gave the card to the cashier and gave me the bag with my pick and grabbed his. "You want to do anything else?"

"I want to build these legos."

"Alright let's go bulid."

𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 || 𝐊𝐢𝐨 𝐂𝐲𝐫Where stories live. Discover now