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"You look so nice!" I said as I saw Kio come out of his closet with the outfit I picked out on. He smiled at me and hugged me close to him.

"You look good too. I like that dress on you." I was wearing a lavender dress that fit my body nicely as I was wearing some white Adidas Continental 80's because heels were not a good idea for Bryce's party.

"Thank you." I kissed him and felt him smile into it. He held me close to him and I felt my heart beat faster. "So what did Quinton say when you went downstairs for water?"

"Hmm how about we just say that he wanted to bleach his eyes fifty more times." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me again. "But I have something that I want to talk to you about later."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah and I think you'll like it."

"Okay." I grabbed my bag from the closet and my phone. "Ready?" I asked.

He held onto my hand and kissed the side of my head quickly, "Yeah."



"Yeah, what's up?" I held onto his hand and with my other I pulled him in for another kiss. Before we walked into the party and I would lose him, I wanted to make sure he was mine. "That's all you were gonna do?" he asked.

"Yeah, just one more before you go and hangout with your friends."

"And who are you going to hangout with?" He asked pulling me close to him.

"Probably Sienna." We walked into the house and saw large groups of people in the house, some were drinking White Claws as if it is a personality trait and girls were making sure that their already short dresses were shorter while most of the guys at the party weren't even looking at them. I felt Kio wrap his arm around my waist, but when I looked up I saw Olivia in front of us. Her stare was quiet serious as she still tried to look at her friends happily. My eyes wandered off as Kio continued to walk to find Griffin, but once I saw Jack I ran over to him quickly. "Hey Jack."

"Hey (Y/n)." He gave me a hug and I saw Sienna in the corner of my eye.

"SIENNA!" I quickly moved over to hug her as she hugged me back and I felt happy to see the only girl besides Mads who was willing to reach out to me and become friends.

"So you and Kio?" She said smiling at me and ruffling up my loose hair that swayed over my shoulders.

"Yeah, it's cool." I smiled and saw Kio sitting with some of the guys from Hype. He smile was shining brightly as he talked to the guys, but when I saw a blonde haired girl walk over to them and sit next to Kio, my automatic focus was on her. Sienna noticed I was staring and grabbed my face to look at her.

"Stop, he's with you and it doesn't matter if she goes and sits with them. She's just being stupid and she's doing it on purpose." She smiled at me and then looked at Jack. "You have us, so let's just have some fun."

She grabbed my hand and started to walk to the backyard. She stared at me and Jack and had a huge smile on her face, they both took off their shoes and so did I. "Now this is where the fun is." She stepped forward and faced the pool. "C'mon!"

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