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I was unpacking my clothes when someone knocked on the door, "Hey, can I come in?" Griffin poked his head in and smiled at me. 


He came in and flopped on my bed. I continued to put away my clothes and when I turned around I realized he was still staring at me, "Yes?" I asked smiling at him. 

"Nothing, just looking at you." He smiled his overly attractive smile and laid back down. 

I grabbed one of the boxes and was about to carry it downstairs when Griffin rushed and got it for me, "I'll take it."

"Okay thanks." For me the way he was acting was a little weird, he had definitely changed from when we were dating. He was taller and seemed way happier, this Griffin was just going to take a while to get used to especially since I haven't seen him since last Christmas.

I started to unpack my bathroom stuff when I saw Quinton in the reflection, "Hey, did you unpack?" I asked while I watched him sit on my sink counter. 

"Yeah, I didn't really have a lot. Just my clothes and some other stuff." He looked around and then smiled at me, "So you and Griffin?" 

I looked at him and laughed, "No Quinton, we are friends. We didn't end on bad terms so it's just good we are friends. Plus you said there was a million other boys around here." 

"I know but still, you guys are cute together. I can tell he still wants something with you." He got off my counter and messed up my hair before leaving. Quinton was younger, but also the taller sibling. 

I continued to unpack my stuff and then at about an hour and half later i had finished and headed downstairs. 

I walked into the living room and saw Jaden sitting there by himself, "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They went to go get food, but I'm going to head out to the studio, so if you need anything then just call me." He got up from the couch and smiled at me before leaving. I walked over to the kitchen and poured myself some orange juice, I was on my phone posting the photos I took of Quinton and I when we were on the plane and noticed someone was now sitting in front of me. 

I looked up and saw Kio on his phone, "You want anything?" I asked him. 

"Nah I'm good thanks." He went back to his phone, so I moved over to the couch and sat there. "So you like your room?" He asked as he moved over to where I was. He flopped onto the couch and smiled at me. 

"Yeah, it's really nice."

"Hey, you wanna go with me to Target? I'm bored and I've been stuck here at the house all day." He got up from the couch, grabbed my now empty cup, and went to go wash it. 

"Thanks and yeah that'd be nice." I went upstairs to go put my shoes on and then went back downstairs. 

"Ready?" he asked brushing his hair back. 

"Yeah let's go."


Even though Quinton and I had been to Los Angelous a million times, I thought the view was always so pretty and I as I was focusing my view on the trees outside, Kio snapped me out of my thoughts. "You know I followed you when you only had 200k on tiktok"

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