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"Yes! It's looks so good."
Noah smiled at me and placed the new LEGO figure we had made together. We finished the Stranger things one and were now on the Millennium Falcon. I grabbed the first bag of legos and smiled, "thanks for doing this with me."

"It's no problem, I'm having fun."

Noah started to look through the instructions when a knock came at our door. I got up and opened the door, "hey." Kio stood there with a smile on his face.


"What are you doing?"

"Hanging out with Noah."
His expression was serious and he opened the door wider to see Noah separating the different instruction manuals. Noah smiled up at him and Kio looked back at me.

"Well I'm going to get some stuff with the guys for Bryce's party tomorrow. I'll talk to you later." He leaned in to kiss me, but I denied it. I still didn't know the truth behind the photo and I wasn't willing to get closer to him as I was still confused.
"Have fun." I closed the door and looked back at Noah. A smirk was plastered on his face.


"Nothing, I'm just glad I'm not the only one getting their face slammed by your door." He said laughing.

"Whatever." I laughed. We continued to work on the big set and we were almost finished as Noah spoke up, "I have a question."

"Okay, what's up?

"Did you have a choice moving down here?"

"Yeah, but also I didn't want Quinton to get into trouble down here so I agreed to go too. Our parents were kind of biased with the idea of moving there and losing all our money, but I think we are doing pretty good." I smiled and put another lego piece down.

"Did you want to leave your friends though?"

"Uh well I only considered Q to be my best friend, so I didn't care. I did have a boyfriend before I moved here but we broke up, my tiktok fame was "getting in the way." His words not mine." I empathized on the quotations and laughed.

"What was his name?"
Interesting questions.

"Max, he was a year younger than me. But turns out that after we broke up, he made it big on tiktok too. He made too many excuses anyway."

"Ohh Dresseler?"


"Okay, one more question."

"Go ahead."

"Do you think of me as anything more than a friend?"


I was laying on my bed staring up at the lights and sighed. I didn't know what to think and after Noah and I's interesting conversation, I was feeling kind of off. 

I started to listen to some music, but was interrupted quickly when Kio walked in.


"I just wanted to hang out, you okay?"

"I'm good." I continued to look up at my ceiling as he laid down next to me. His arm wrapped around my waist and I got up from the bed.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Holding things in was my coping method. I knew it was bad, but if I said something I knew I was going to regret a lot of things later.

"Just tell me, you're being weird."

I sighed, "I'm being weird?"


"You know, I could say the same thing about you." Oh no, I couldn't hold myself back now. I was going to blow, "You're very suspicious. One day you're there and loving on me and another day it doesn't seem like it's okay. I'm so stupid to think you cared!" I yelled the last part and I could feel the tears building up. I was telling myself that I wasn't going to cry but we all know that was a lie. "You just use me for a couple nights, go back and use me again! I don't need that, not from you."

Kio looked at me and stood up. He tried to hug me but I pushed his hands off. He put his hands around my waist but this time I struggled to get out of his grasp. "Let go of me!" I yelled. Tears were streaming down, I was having an angry meltdown. Something I haven't had for a while.

"(Y/n), it's okay." He hugged me closer. And I couldn't resist anymore, I hugged him close to me and cried.

"Why do you think I do that?" He asked.

I let go and showed him the picture, his eyes widened and he smiled at me. "That's just a photo I took a couple weeks ago. We were kind of still together and she wanted some new pictures."

I stayed silent and grabbed my blanket, "ok."

I wanted to stop talking. Not because I might've been wrong, but that if we kept going he could've continued to lie.

And I would still try my best to believe him.

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