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"So what do you think? Daniel or Damian?" A couple days had passed since Kio and I found out about the upcoming baby. His excitement was up the roof as he looked online for baby names. He only looked up boy names as we laid in his bed, even though we didn't even know the gender.

No one knew about the baby, we just left it as it was. Griffin had suspicion, but I told him it came out negative and he seemed okay with that answer. "I don't like those." I said as I put my arm around him and hugged him close to me.

"Okay, uh how about Micah?"

I made a disgusted face and he laughed as he set down the computer, "Okay, then let's look into it later."

"Yeah." I pecked his lips and pulled away to look at him. "I wonder what my parents would say."

"Yeah, especially because my mom hasn't met you and I haven't met your parents." He ran his fingers through my hair and smiled, "It's okay though, we'll tell them eventually."

"Tell them what?" We both turned our heads and saw Quinton standing by the door.

I smiled and got up from the bed. Wrapping my arms around him, "Nothing, it's a surprise."

"Okay, when will I find out?"

"Maybe in a couple of days or weeks." Kio said as he sat up in the bed. Quinton looked at both of us with a suspicious look and walked out.

"Okay, uh (Y/n)?"

"Yeah Q?"

"Can we talk for a minute?" I nodded my head and closed the door behind me. We both walked outside the house and started to just walk as the breeze hit our face. We were both in our casual wear of clothing and slides as he started to speak, "Cynthia broke up with me."


"Yeah, she said it was for the better. She didn't want to have to worry about being held back by me, which didn't make sense. I never did anything to hold her back. Maybe she just lost everything for me." He messed with his hands and then looked up at the sky, "I didn't think she was going to stay anyway, I just thought we would last a little longer."

"I'm sorry Q."

"It's alright, I just wanted to tell you because we haven't said anything. She doesn't even want to announce it, she just wants both of us to just delete photos together that we posted slowly and not go live about it. Ignore the questions, she said. Act happy, don't talk about your feelings, and if you go on an interview than don't bring up her name." He brushed his hair back and sighed, "Those are all her rules for the breakup."

"You'll find someone. She was only one of the people you'll fall in love with. Just think like this..." I wrapped my arm around him, "You're one more step closer to the love of your life."

"So you're saying that Griffin was your one step to Kio?"

"Yeah, but they helped in learning different things, so that in the future I'll have better relationships with people."

"Yeah, I guess." He paused in his steps and looked at me, "Can you tell me what you and Kio were talking about?"

I looked at his somewhat sad eyes. He trusted me to tell me about Cynthia, and it would be wrong if I didn't, "Well we found out a couple days ago."


I continued to walk and he followed, "So boys or girls?"

"Like my preference, well I mean I like girls-"

"No Q, just choose one."

"Okay, I'll say boys."

"Yeah, I hope he is, so that you can play baseball with him. And you and Kio can be good examples to him."

"What are you-" He looked over at me quickly, "Are you getting a dog?"

"No Quinton." I said as I laughed at his comment.

"A turtle?"

"Oh my god, Q" I faced him to me and he looked at me with a smile, "You're going to be an uncle."

He didn't say anything at first and then looked at me confused, "Wait, a baby?"


"Does that mean we can build Legos with the baby?" Kio asked as he pushed the cart.

"That's a choking hazard." I started to look at the small unisex outfits they hung up and smiled at the small shoes that were there.

"So just stuffed animals?" He made a disappointed look and I smiled, "Or can we get board games?"

"Stuffed animals, and you're probably going to have to wait to play with toys til the baby gets older." I put an outfit in the cart and looked at the big crib.

"Do you think we can get a dog, so the baby has a friend?" He pushed the cart and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah I like that idea, maybe a Doberman. Those are cool." I had a Doberman when I was younger. Quinton and I always played with it until it died after it got food poisoning. Quinton cried for three weeks.

"Okay I see you, trying to get all fancy dogs." He smiled and I continued to look at the baby items, "Maybe we can get a house."

I looked over at him and he looked at me with the same smile, "Like just us?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice. And we'll be together." He walked away from the cart and wrapped his arms around me, "With a nice house, a big dog, and a beautiful family." He kissed my cheek and I smiled at the thought of our future life.

"Then let's do that, promise you'll stay no matter what." I put out my pinky finger jokingly and he smiled while put his out and interlocking mine with his.

"Might as well get married."

"Might as well." I kissed him quickly and he smiled into another one. "I promise I'll stay, what about you?"

"Is that even a question?"

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