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I woke up the next morning next to Noah. He was hugging me from behind and I didn't know what to do. Clearly last night I wasn't thinking straight. I turned around and looked at him. My heart wasn't racing but I did feel something for him. Maybe just not in that way.

I got up slowly so he wouldn't wake up and opened the door. I got out of the room and walked toward mine. I opened the door and saw Kio sitting on my bed. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

He looked at me with a "are you kidding me?" face, "Where were you last night? I've been trying everything to just talk to you and last night you just disappeared."

"I was in the house."

"Really?" He got up and stood in front of me.

"Yeah." I looked into his eyes and I could tell he was annoyed with me.

He looked away from me, smiled and sighed disappointedly, "I know you were with Noah." He leaned in close to me. Our faces only inches apart. "I'm not into girls who just play around." 

I continued to look at him, but he just rubbed the back of his neck and walked away. 

I walked into my room completely and went to go take a shower. All my thoughts were on Kio. I couldn't even focus on the music I had on, everything was about Kio and I didn't know what to do when it came to him. 


"Wow, so you have both of them around your finger?" Quinton asked. 

I sighed and just looked up at the ceiling. We were sitting on the couch at Hype, everyone was filming for their videos so Sway decided to join them for more content. "No I don't look at it like that. I like Noah but I feel like maybe just as a friend. And Kio he just--"

"Makes you feel the same thing that you had for Griffin? Or more?" 

I looked at him, "I don't know." 

We sat there for a couple more minutes before Q jumped up and held his hand out, "I'm not sitting here for the rest fo the time sad, so let's go have fun." 

I smiled, "Okay." I got up and walked over to where the rest of the guys were outside. Bryce and Josh were filming for their channels and Griffin was in the pool. I walked over to him, "What's up Griff?"

"Hey (Y/n), wanna come in?" 

"I down have extra clothes."

"And?" He smiled and leaned up against the edge of the pool. I made a confused face at him and within seconds he grabbed me and pulled me into the water. 


"See, there's no problem now." 

I hit him on the head and Bryce came over to us filming. He interviewed us with stupid questions and as Griffin and I were just hanging out in the pool I looked to my side and saw Kio. He was next to Olivia, laughing and smiling while he looked at her. She was sitting there elegantly and I couldn't help but feel bad for myself. 

"You're dumb." Griffin said. I looked back at him confused and then back at my clothes that were sitting on the edge. I was wearing a tank top and Tayler lent me some basketball shorts. 

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