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I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on my door. It couldn't have been Quinton because he usually just comes in my room and starts yelling until I wake up. I got up from the bed and opened it. Tayler was standing there smiling.

"Really Tayler?" I walked into my bathroom and he followed me, "did you need something?"

"I heard you're going to hang out with Noah."

"Okay and what's the big deal?"
Tayler and I have been friends for a while now ever since Quinton and I started tiktok.

"Okay, you're actually really stupid." He said sitting on my bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely confused.
"He clearly has a crush on you and you don't care?"

"Tayler, I just met him. Plus we are just going to Target, it's nothing special."

"But it's Noah, a bunch of girls want him."

"Tayler, we are just friends & I don't have time for a relationship right now, so chill."
"Alright, alright."

I got dressed and went downstairs to see all the guys in the kitchen, "good morning."

"Good morning." They said.
"Hey, can I talk to you real quick?" Kio asked.
"Yeah, sure."

We walked over to his room and he sat down on his bed, "I need help."

"With what?"
"Well today I'm meeting up with Olivia and we're going to talk things over but I need help picking out a gift for her."

"Kio, girls don't really care about materialistic things. Plus I would go to the store with you but Noah already asked me to help him."

He made a confused face at me, "Noah? Why?"

"Because he asked me."
"Okay then, so that means you can't come?"

"Sorry Kio, maybe next time." I left his room and walked back to the kitchen.
I was looking at my phone when someone put their hands on my shoulders, "you need to look up sometimes."

I looked up and saw Noah smiling down at me, "sorry"
"It's chill, so you ready to go?"
"Yeah let's go."


We were now at Target and we had gotten everything Noah needed for his room, but we were just messing around in the toy section.

There was a toy story cowboy hat that I grabbed and put on Noah's head, "you look good." I took a picture of him and he just laughed as he put one on me.

"Yeah, I was right."
"What do you mean?" I asked taking a photo of both us with the hats.

"I knew you were going to look cute in it." I smiled at him and then put the hat back. He was now messing around with the Legos and I just watched him play with the display they had there.

"You having fun?" I asked.
"Yeah." He looked down at me and smiled, but he didn't stop staring at me and I could tell where his eyes were.
He kept looking at my lips and then my eyes but before he could make any move I took the cart to the next aisle and he followed me.

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