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I woke up with Kio next to me. We had both fallen asleep watching a movie last night. I looked at him sleeping and smiled, "wake up Kio."

"Noooooo." He said putting his arm around me.
I kissed him quickly and he smiled. He finally opened his eyes and sat up on the bed, "You look good in the mornings."

"Shut up Kio." I said jokingly. I got up to change my clothes and do all my necessities. I put on a baggy tshirt and some loose jeans and laid back down on the bed with Kio eyeing me up and down.

"You look so goodddd." He said excitedly and hugged me back so I was now laying down. I was laughing at how cute he was being when someone shouted downstairs, "WHERE THE HELL IS KIO?"

Kio looked at me and smiled, "I better go."

He got up from the bed and smiled. He leaned down to where I was on the bed and kissed me quickly, "I'll see you later."

He shut the door and a couple minutes later Quinton came into my room, "Why was Kio in your room?" He looked at me with a curious face and I just laughed.

"Quinton we were just hanging out."

"Right after you told Noah we were supposed to hang out and talk?" I knew he got me there and when he said that I knew that I was already playing around with two people's feelings.

"I know, I know. What do you want me to do? Keep hanging out with Noah when I don't know if I feel that way with him."

"Look I'm just saying might as well tell him you are confused before something else happens."



I sat besides Jaden on the couch, he was watching some YouTube videos while the rest of the guys were now eating breakfast. I was focusing on the screen when someone stood in front of me. I guess I had spaced out too much that I didn't even realize they were there until they had lifted my chin to look up at them.

"Huh?" I looked up and saw Noah standing there.

"We need to talk." He said sternly.

"Okay?" I followed behind him and we went to his room. He closed the door behind him and the quickly pulled me close to him and kissed me. His lips against mine felt wrong and as he continued I became more confused. I pulled away and looked at him, "Did you just tell me that to make out with me?"

"No, but I didn't get to do that yesterday because you were with Kio."
Oh no.

"Wait how do you-"

"(Y/n), your room is close to mine and I saw him go in last night."
I stayed quiet and just sat on his bed.

"And I know he likes you, but I just don't want you to get hurt. Just be careful, he can be stupid sometimes. I mean we don't even know who cheated on him and Olivia's relationship."

Okay I get it, he's looking out for me but still,
"What's crazy is that you are putting crap on him but he's not even doing that to you when he knows you are trying to get into my pants too." I said a little irritated.

"Woah no, it's more than that. I want to have a serious relationship with you. And I'll keep trying until it happens."

"Well thanks for the talk but I was watching a video with Jaden." I was about to leave when I turned back around and looked at him, "if you want to get closer to me, don't shit on other people's names."

I closed the door and walked back downstairs. I sat back in the couch but Jaden wasn't there anymore so I watched whatever I wanted. I sat there for a while and I was now watching the bee movie when Kio sat down next to me.

(A/n: "ya like jazzzzz?")

"So what did he tell you?"


"You okay?" He asked moving closer to me.

"Yeah, just focusing on the movie."
He moved closer to me which made me smile, "what?" He asked laughing.

"Come here." I said holding arms out so he could cuddle with me. We continued to watch the movie together and he fell asleep. I was brushing through his hair with my fingers and as the movie ended, I clicked another one and another one. As the day went on all I wanted to do was watch some old kids movies, as long as Kio was next to me I seemed to be doing okay.

It was already 9pm and Kio and I were still cuddling on the couch as the rest of the guys were at a party at the Hype House. He was now hugging me from behind and I enjoyed his warmth against me. He kissed my neck a couple times and I felt myself blush every time.



"Thanks for staying with me"

"No problem, I liked today. We should do this more often."

I turned my body around so that I was now facing him and smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah." He pecked my lips and smiled. I turned back around and enjoyed the night of being next to him and having his company.

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