chill day

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"shes the best thing to ever happen to me"

kalani pov
i woke up with arms wrapped around my waist. i turned around knowing that i was safe and protected. i wrap my arms around his neck and that woke him up so he pulled me closer by my waist making my stomach do backflips.

"good morning good-looking." i laughed

"im good-looking? i have won at life" he says with his sleepy voice and morning breath. to surprise he had good morning breath it wasnt bad it was just normal.

"shut up you know you are." i said kissing at the near his upper lip.

3rd person
she said kissing near his lip. the affection they gave to each other drove each other crazy.

"when do you start school?" the hispanic boy asked feeling nervous knowing she would be going to his school.

"i think monday im not sure let me check with my mom." she said getting up and leaving the room.

leaving the boy alone in his thoughts. he sighed knowing that his friends would be giving him a vogue 73 question experience once they found out her

"yup i start school monday benny boy." she said jumping on him.

"sooo is there anyone special?" she asks smirking

"what? oh me? yea no way" he responds

"come on! why not? i mean you have the best dimples, an amazing person to be with, and overall the best person!" she says smiling up at the boy

"im just not into relationships i guess" he says, tbh he would totally date someone if he werent so butt hurt over the girl in front of him and his past girlfriend

"well can i meet your friends? you know the ones in the groupchat." she asks

"how about just you and me for the whole day? you can meet them monday shortcake." he says looking down at the girl admiring her features

"what are we even going to do the whole day? can i meet a few of your friends?" she says giving him puppy dog eyes.

"very funny but no can i spend the day with you i havent seen you in 4 years! can i have this day?" he asks pouting.

"ok rosario how could i say no?" she says grinning

a few hours later
they are at target goofing off when out of alejandro's eye he sees his friends mattia, kairi, and roshaun. he starts to panic

"lets go the toy area!" alejandro begged the girl

"yess i want to get bubbles" she ran to basically to the other end of the store while the hispanic boy chased her laughing.

"slow down shortcake" he laughed once they got to the bubbles

"be quiet im not that short" the 5'5 girl said.

"if that helps you sleep at night then okay." he said smiling from ear to ear deepening his dimples.

fast forward to 7:35
"what can i get you guys for today?" the waitress asked smirking at alejandro

"can i get dinosaur chicken nuggets with some fries?" kalani said cutting in the uncomfortable eye - contact between the two.

"can i get the same thing but with extra fries?" alejandro said noticing kalani feeling out of place.

"coming right up!" the waitress said.

the waitress went to their school. in fact she knew alejandro very well. not just because he was the fuck boy of the school but because he was her ex. let me tell you it was a very highschool movie relationship.

the popular girl meets the popular boy they get all lovey dovey. he finally gets the gut to ask her to something. this being homecoming. freshman homecoming. yes freshman year.

alejandro had everything planned from the signs to the area where it was being held. blah blah blah she says yes they get together but katie being katie she fucks it up.

she was with a boy and she brings him home. they have sex and alejandro walks in with chocolates and roses. why you might ask? it was their 1 year anniversary.

yikess. yea you get it. alejandro gets butt hurt and continues being the hook up sweet spot.

kalani raises her eyebrows at the boy in front of her. "what?" he says.

"yall have history or something going on" kalani says kinda hurt

"do you want to know so badly?" alejandro scoffs

"sorry mr. attitude." kalani says rolling her eyes.

"fine. me and her dated she cheated end of discussion." the hispanic says annoyed

"she cheated? what? has she seen you? you are telling me alejandro de jesus rosario the most handsomest guy i have ever layed eyes on got cheated on?" she says cupping his face

"yea is it so hard to believe i got cheated on? let it go kalani." alejandro says. he was so annoyed and kind of smiley because of what she said. he almost never used her first name

"ok kind sir im taking you to our spot after this because you need it." she said

the spot. they treasured it like it was their baby. it was their place whenever they needed somewhere to reflect on life or just hang without being bothered they went there.

he was suprised she even remembered their spot. after all they havent spoke or even kept in touch for the past 4 years.

"mkay." alejandro said. tbh alejandro went there every year to cry over the girl. he missed her presence right next to him. he missed all the sleepovers they would have. he missed her affection. he missed every single detail about her. she did too.

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