Chapter Four

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We make our way up to the stadium and I see Brittany outside waiting. I am desperately searching the crowd for my Summer in hopes of quick relief.

"Oh my god! Sadie." Brittany says a bit too fake and enthusiastically. Sadie can't help but think her voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard. For god sakes does her voice not wake the dead?

"Good Evening Brittany, glad you could make it." Sadie can only respond through gritted teeth and a smile. Faking anysort of happiness towards her former friend is proving to be more difficult.

"Oh honey, It's no problem! I'm glad we can be here for Gunnar! Now let's go find our seats." She responds.

We watch her walk ahead of us and I look at ben and mouth "yay  us".  As we get close I hear the voice of an Angel!

"Sadie! Wait Up!" Summer yells across the crowd of people. Sadie can only thank the heavens for having her here at this moment.

"Thank the Lord you are here! Where is your date?" Sadie asks,

"She is getting popcorn, high school football games?! It's nothing without the popcorn. Am I right?" Summer Responds.

Sadie can only nod her head in agreement. She is truly thankful for the interception to an awkward evening ahead. As they stand waiting, Summer's date finally approaches.

"Sadie, this is my date. Charlie, this is my best friend Sadie." Summer introduces them.

"Nice to meet you, You must be really special Summer. She doesn't bring just anyone around." Sadie says.

"Thanks! Nice to meet you too. I've heard so much about you!" Charlie responds.

"Oh This our Friend Ben." Sadie says not wanting to leave him out. He reaches his hand out and shakes Summers hand giving her a nod. Just as we finish introductions, Brittany walks up. This is not just any walk. It's a walk that is mimicked off a runway show, like she is the most important person in the world. Some things just never change. It's quite annoying and I hope she falls.

"Guys, what's taking so long?" She says completely annoyed.

Before we can answer Charlie is a bit too excited to see Brittany standing with us.

"Brittany?! Hey, what are you doing here?!" Charlie said.

"Um, I'm here to Support Sadie's Son Gunnar who is playing tonight. What are you doing here?" Brittany said annoyingly. "I thought you were on a date somewhere... That's not here."

"I am on a date with Summer, I thought you would be with Justin tonight. How do you know this group?" Charlie said so innocently.

"I...Uhh.." Brittany said slightly panicked.

Ben could see the discomfort in his wife but also realized that Charlie knows Justin and clearly doesn't realize that Brittany was married. Finding the amusement in the situation he took it upon himself to capitalize on the situation at hand.  "Brittany is my wife, and we have known Sadie since High School." he said.

"Wife?!" Charlie said surprised.

The group could see how Brittany was looking embarrassed. Ben seemed entirely too excited for this encounter, Charlie looked annoyed, Summer and Sadie were looking between everyone in the group then to each other with such confusion.

"Let's talk more about this fun dynamic later. Game is about to start!" Ben said, smiling big and taking off for the stands. As they took their seats Sadie found herself sitting in the middle of a couple sandwiches. Charlie and Summer on one side and Brittany and Ben on the other. Both seemed to be in the middle of a heated conversation. Talk about an awkward third wheel situation, Sadie couldn't help but feel the tension and the fact there was something she didn't know. It is not a good feeling to be in the middle and being left out at the same time.

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