Chapter Twenty

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When the walls come down and everything is on the table. Out in the open and completely exposed. Sadie feels the band-aid has been ripped off and the healing is complete. They head back to camp with a renewed peace of life between them. As they arrive they watch the kids posing for different pictures.

"I need to run to the store, anyone needs anything?" Sadie asks.

"I'll go with you mom," Gunnar says.

"I think we are all good here," Ben says then looks over at Gunnar. "Take care of her ok."

"Your truck will be fine Ben. My mom is a good driver," Gunnar says.

"I was talking about your mom, son," Ben grins.

"Oh, Ben... Always, I will always do that," Gunnar says getting in the car.

Sadie blushes and walks to Ben and gives him a sweet kiss. They whisper "I love you," to each other. Sadie smiles back at Ben as she gets into the truck and drives away.

"So, Gunnar, what's for dinner?" She asks.

"NACHOS!!!" He yells

"Perfect!" she says back. They drive listening to music and Gunnar is going on about how much fun he is having with Hudson and Everett.

While at the store they go down each aisle to get all the ingredients needed.

"Mom, can we get stuff for s'mores?" Gunnar asks.

"It would be a sin not to have them at this location," She responds.

"Why is that?" Gunnar asks.

"Your great grandpa's cabin is on the other side of the lake. It's the reason I bought the land in the first place. My favorite memories were at this lake. Well, he always made it a point to have sparklers and s' mores. He used to say, "All is right in the world as long as you have a spark to light the way and chocolate and marshmallow goodness to warm your tummy," Sadie explains.

"Well, let's find sparklers," Gunnar says with a smile.

They walk around the store a bit longer and can't find any sparklers. Sadie makes a mental note to plan better next time. As they arrive at the campsite, Ben eagerly welcomes them.

"Get everything?" He asks.

"Yeah, except sparklers. They didn't have any," Sadie says.

Ben smiles widely and pulls a bag out of a compartment of the back of the truck. "Would these suffice?"

"You remembered?" Sadie says.

"How could I forget?"

Sadie grabs him at his collar and pulls him down for a deep kiss. Her emotions are building up and everything is coming to ahead. She pulls back taking deep breaths trying to steady herself. This is ok, you are ok, this is good, you are safe, she keeps repeating in her head. Ben is rubbing his hands up and down her arms knowing she is fighting an internal battle.

"You are something else Ben Olsen," She says.

"And you are my angel, Sadie Andrews," He sweetly responds.

Sadie gives him a quick kiss and they start to make dinner together. Take a couple of pans putting them on the fire to warm up and cook some ground beef and chicken, peppers, and onions until they are golden. As soon as it is all cooked, Sadie starts to layer everything together. loading up the nachos with everything she could think of. Ground beef, chicken, beans, lettuce tomato, jalapenos, cheese. it is a mess of amazement.

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