Chapter Fifteen

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Everyone gets through the Thanksgiving season remarkably well. Now there is only a few weeks until Christmas and New Year. Sadie sits back and looks around her house thinking about how much she is looking forward to this holiday season. Everett's gallery with some really amazing photos. She said she had more but refuses to show anyone. Artist code, reveal the best for the big reveal. Sadie starts to think about things that Will and she used to do with Gunnar and one of the all-time favorite things they did was go camping. With everything that has happened and the small amount of happiness she felt this year, she decides that she wants to revisit the times that made her happy.

"Hey Gunnar, a question for you," She asks.

"What's up?"

"You are still off the week after New Years?" She asks. "Want to go camping?"

The excitement in his eyes reaffirms that the camping idea is exactly what they needed.

"Do you think we can do it the week before Christmas?" He asks.


"Yeah, I was thinking maybe Hudson and Everett can come too? There are some amazing backdrops for Everett and her photos and really, Hudson could use a break. He's been working hard." Gunnar says.

"So, just Hudson and Everett? What about Ben and Brittany? I guess we have to include Justin to the group?" Sadie asks silently, holding her breath.

"Well Ben, yes. Brittany and Justin, please excuse my language Momma but HELL NO!" Gunnar says.

Sadie laughs hard and is breathing a sigh of relief. "I will ask Ben and the kids, what about Victoria?"

"She is visiting family. She gets back after the New Years'," Gunnar says.

"Ah I see now, Ok, I'll set it up," Sadie says.

Gunnar fist bumps the air and walks to his room excited. This is a perfect addition to their plan. They haven't gone camping in a long time and this is perfect to bring his mom and Ben together. As he sits at his desk he sends a quick text to Hudson.

"Hud, my mom just asked to go camping. She's gonna ask Ben if you guys want to come, just a heads up," Gunnar text.

"Sweet! I got it on this end," says Hudson.

Gunnar puts his phone down and pulls his History book to study. Camping is a perfect idea.

With the text from Gunnar, Hudson jumps up from his room and walks to see his Dad. He's sitting in the living room watching some sports highlights.

"Hey dad," he says

"Hey Son, what are you up to?"

"I'm exhausted." Hudson says.

"Yeah? We have been going crazy with you guys' schedule."

"Yeah, I was thinking. What do you say to a small family vacation?" Hudson says.

"Yeah? That sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go?"

"Well, what do you think of camping. We have all that gear that you never use." Hudson presses.

"Camping? Yeah, I think we can do that! Excellent idea." Ben says. "I do need to finally test out the gear I bought."

"Sweet, well Everett needs me for some photo things." Hudson says.

"Ok, I'll plan camping for us." Ben says.

Hudson jumps up and leaves the room. Ben sits back and contemplates what he said. Family vacations were always picture perfect places. It was never about spending time together genuinely but to have a picture persona for Brittany's business. This is a good thing. First actual family vacation.

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