Chapter Thirty-One

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Ben and Sadie spend a couple of days at the land just the two of them and put off a complete honeymoon for a few months. Well more like a family trip. They have enjoyed the family time with the kids and this is Gunnar's last summer before senior year and before he heads to college. They want to make the most out of the time they have together.

They are back home and Sadie is at the store with a couple of carts full of everything they need to fill the house again. She thought Gunnar ate a lot, and now Hudson is eating a lot for training. As she is walking to her Jeep to load it, she hears that voice. That voice that clearly can ruin anything.

"Oh my god, Sadie!" Brittany says.

"Afternoon Brittany, how are you?" Sadie says.

"Girl, I am great! I'm just getting a few things for the house. I see you are stocking up or eating more? Are you pregnant?" Brittany asks.

"Ha! No, definitely not pregnant, no more babies," Sadie says, while packing the Jeep.

"Oh you just look, you know, bigger," Brittany says.

"Oh, ok," Sadie says sarcastically.

"You know Ben likes smaller women right, You should watch that or else he won't want to marry you," Brittany tries.

"Noted," Sadie says, turning to Brittany showing off the engagement and wedding bands.

"What the fuck is that?! You are engaged?!" Brittany squeals

"Correction, married. Last week. A small wedding with close friends and the kids of course," Sadie says proudly.

"You are joking?" Brittany pushes. Clearly not ok with what is happening outside her control.

"No, not joking," Sadie states, turning back to keep loading the Jeep.

Brittany looks as if shit was set on fire and she stepped in it with her expensive shoes. Such a shame.


Sadie looks around hoping no one hears her. "Why would we?" Sadie asks. She is starting to get annoyed with Brittany's persistence.

"Because now you are the ugly stepmother to my kids! I never would have allowed this to happen!" Brittany says loudly.

"You don't get a say. It isn't your choice! I don't know where you get off thinking that you have a say over mine or Ben's life?" Sadie said boldly.

"You tell Ben I am taking him to court! My kids won't be around you or your worthless ass! I will make sure of it!" Brittany says.

"You can't do that to him! He loves those kids! Why make everyone sufferable because you are miserable?" Sadie tries.

"MY KIDS!" Brittany screams.

Just as Sadie finds her voice to stand up to Brittany she sees Kilroy and a few other deputies walking up to them. She suddenly loses her voice and she can feel her legs go weak. Last time was not good news. She shuts her mouth and braces for the verbal impact that may hit her.

"Oh, cat got scared worthless Sadie's tongue? I told you before that you were nothing and Ben would never be with you! I don't care you are married now, I'll make sure you both are miserable! He was MY Husband." Brittany seethes

"Interesting choice of words Brittany," Kilroy says.

Sadie sees Britney's Brittany's eyes got big and she flips around just as fast as her attitude.

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