Chapter Seventeen

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Hudson has been practicing on his own and even meeting up with Gunnar after school for some extra training. It's Tuesday and the last day of tryouts. We will find out Thursday if he makes the team. Everyone pulls up outside the gym and meets up with Sadie and Gunnar. Brittany and Goober maybe by later. She has not said much or tried to fight Ben about the kids. Its almost like she is being nice.

"Hey darling, how are you?" Ben asks.

"I'm good. Hudson, are you ready for today?" Sadie asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be. today's it!" Hudson says.

"Just do your best, you will be great," Gunnar encourages.

They walk in together and Gunnar and Hudson head to the group of kids and coaches. Sadie and Ben head to the stands with the parents.

"I hope he makes it! He's worked really hard for it," Sadie says.

"Yeah I know, I'm nervous for him."

Sadie nods her head in agreement and they watch as they start to warm up.

"So, tell me more about Mt. Carter, why that location?" Ben asks.

A smile comes to Sadie's face as she thinks of her time there. "I used to go there with my grandparents. They had a cabin in that area and we would visit them whenever we had a chance," she says. "The views are amazing, and it always brings back fun memories with them."

"Oh yeah? What is your favorite?" Ben asks.

"One summer, I spent the entire week in the water. Swimming or on Grandpa's boat. He called me a water bug. We did campfire, s' mores, sparklers, and movies. I think I was 14-15 around that age." Sadie's smile starts to fall. "That fall is when he got sick and passed away. Turns out he had been sick the entire year. That last week I spent with him was going to be the last, and he knew. Our last memories were the absolute best.

"That sounds incredible," Ben says warmly.

"He was an incredible man. I used to take Gunnar to the old cabin but mom and dad sold it. Two years ago I bought a piece of land on the other side of the lake near there. It's lakefront and I am hoping to go once or twice to camp. I'd love to build a small cabin there one day." Sadie confesses.

"That would be really nice. Maybe we can go by your Grandpa's cabin when we are up there?" Ben asks.

The offer brings a big smile to Sadie's face. "I'd really like that. You'd really want to see it?"

"Absolutely!" Ben says.

Sadie nods her head, "Ok then."

Ben sits back in the stands and realizes his to-do list just got a lot longer. The few days are going to be perfect for them and he is going to make sure of it. After a few hours, the tryouts finally end and the kids are complaining about how hungry they are. Gunnar asks to drive him, Everett, and Hudson as they still had some baseball stuff to talk about. Sadie happily accepts not to ride with them and Ben is quick to walk back to his vehicle to open the door for Sadie. He again is silently screaming for joy and imagining fist-pumping the air.

On the drive, Ben decides to be a bit bold and reach over taking Sadie's hand in his. When she doesn't pull away and instead interlocks her fingers in his, he decides to push a bit further again and raise her hand to his lips once again. Placing a gentle kiss to her hand. He remembers at the Christmas tree farm how her face blushed a beautiful shade of pink. With his eyes on the road, he hears her take a deep breath causing him to look over. She is staring out the front, with that faint beautiful blush and a smile. Ben never wants to let go of this moment.

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