Chapter Twenty Three

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Thankfully Ben and Sadie can pull themselves away from each other for a hot second so that Gunnar can properly meet his sister. He isn't sure what to say and he tried to dress nice but not overly nice. He is trying to keep his cool, but he is struggling with not knowing what to do or what to say. His mind is on complete overdrive.

"Gunnar, just let Jessie and Allie take the lead, ok," Sadie says, pulling him from his thoughts.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I am just so nervous," Gunnar says.

"It will be ok, we are here for you," Sadie comforts Gunnar.

She turns and opens the door and before Gunnar can even move he stares at Jessie, a red-headed woman about the same age as his mom. She was the woman his father loved. The woman his father pictured a life with, and behind her he sees strawberry blond hair. As she pokes her head slightly out to gauge the situation, Gunnar is overwhelmed with how much she resembles his dad. Their dad.

"Hey, Jessie! Welcome, come in please," Sadie encourages.

"Thank you for having us over today," Jessie shyly says.

Allie is still hiding behind her legs and Gunnar still standing in silence trying to absorb all of this moment.

"Jessie, you know Ben and Gunnar," Sadie tries.

"Hi again," Ben says nudging Gunnar.

"Right, It's good to meet you again Jessie," Gunnar says.

"You too," Jessie says.

"Jessie, I've told them everything so there are no secrets or reasons to hide anything here. We are here to support you and Allie, ok," Sadie says.

Gunnar releases a sigh of relief and we all smile at her.

"Let's go to the living room, there are some snacks. Allie..." Sadie says, and Allie peaks her head out from behind Jessie's leg to look at Sadie. "Gunnar picked out juice boxes for you and some snacks. Do you want some?"

She nods her head and Gunnar holds his hand out to her.

"Come on, I'll get them for you. I'm Gunnar," He says.

Allie looks up at Jessie who smiles down to her, "It's ok sweetheart, go ahead I'm not leaving."

Gunnar continues to hold his hand out and Allie walks up and wraps her tiny fingers around his pinky. They walk to the living room where everything is laid out and the parents follow behind allowing them to have a moment. Gunnar and Allie sit around the coffee table snacking and he can see her tiny eyes looking at the tree and all the presents.

"I hear it is supposed to snow. Allie, do you think it will snow?" He asks.

When Allie looks at Gunnar and smiles, he melts. Her smile is just like their dad's.

"Snow!!" She says.

"Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope Santa can deliver us snow!" He says.

"Momma snow!" Allie says

"I know, hopefully, there will be some snow," Jessie says.

"Ok, Allie. Do you want to play a game, watch a movie or open presents?" Gunnar asks.

"Presents," Allie says shyly. She looks at her mom who smiles.

"That's fine as long as it is ok with Ms. Sadie," Jessie says.

"Absolutely!" Sadie says. "Jessie we kind of went overboard with gifts. We were really excited and I haven't shopped for a girl before. We had a little too much fun."

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