Chapter Twenty Four

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Christmas is a wrap. Ben can honestly say it was fantastic to watch families come together. Hudson and Everett were definitely missed and next year, Ben decides he will work harder to make sure he can see them. It still amazes Ben how much the kids get along and how willing they were at helping them reconnect.

There are a few days left before New Year's and Brittany is blowing Ben's phone up. He has been avoiding her calls as best he can and tries to speak to the party planner and his part for paying for Everetts gallery. He has zero interest in speaking with Brittany in any form. He finally bites the bullet in needing to speak with her regarding the gallery opening and pulling everything together, for Everett.

He knocks on the door of his old apartment and he is annoyed that Brittany just stayed there.

"Ben you can just come on in, you don't have to knock," She says.

"Yes I do, this is your home." Ben states.

"It's your apartment, I don't know why you are being so distant like this!" She asks.

"What do you want Brittany?" He says annoyed.

"I need to know what the cops are saying about the fire? I haven't gotten my payout for the house, I'm stuck here in this tiny place. They said it was intentional, I don't understand why anyone would do that to me!" She says.

"I don't know, they won't tell me," Ben responds.

Ben knows a lot more but they need to close the case.

"Well, I need my money. I need a bigger place." She says

"Why not move in with Justin?" Ben suggested.

"He wants to wait until we get married. You have a house now, right, Can I stay there? I am sure its bigger than this apartment," She asks.

"HELL NO!" Ben screams.

"What?" Brittany looks at Ben with surprise.

"After the shit, you pulled? I almost lost Sadie. I will not put her in that position again." Ben says.

"You're still with her?" She says with anger.

"Absolutely!" Ben states. He watches Brittany roll her eyes at him. This can't be happening.

"What is your actual problem with her?" Ben asks.

"Because of her, my life fell apart! What we had going on was fine! We had a great arrangement!" Brittany says. "I've lost a few clients, my house was burned down, my husband left me, my boyfriend freaked out. All she did was flip that nasty hair and boom people move mountains for her! What's up with that!"

"1. stop blaming her, your hole you dug is YOUR hole. 2. You ruined things. 3. Ain't no way in hell there was ever a chance of forever for us. Your actions confirmed that. Any so-called arrangement was awful from the beginning. 4. Sadie is a good person who's been through shit and she doesn't throw it in people's faces!" Ben lists. "The man that you choose to spread your legs for... That is all on you, you handle that! I've paid my share of the gallery party, you handle your shit, handle your problems. You want answers from the cops, you go talk to them. QUIT USING ME!"

Ben stomps out of the apartment and away from his toxic ex. Where does she get off? As he is heading outside he sits on the curb waiting for his kids.

"Hey, Dad!" Hudson says surprised.

"Dad!" Everett says, giving him a hug. "2 days!"

"I know you are ready?" He asks. They nod their head and head back to his house.

Book 1 - Back of the ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now