Chapter Fourteen

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Gunnar's car is in the shop so he has begged Sadie to drive him to Hudson's baseball tryouts. After a few minutes of constant begging, she reluctantly has agreed to drive him. As much as she doesn't want to go, just fear of running into Ben, she decides to support Gunnar. He has stepped up to mentor Hudson and really helps him with baseball. She can't help but be proud of the man Gunnar has become, to be a role model and mentor to another person.

"Gunnar, come on, remember what Coach Pearson said. If you are early you are on time and if..." Sadie says.

"If you are on time you are late." Gunnar continues. "Yeah mom, it takes a bit longer to get ready with this cast on."

"I get it, come on," Sadie says.

They drive over to the indoor park where they are holding the first half of tryouts. Sadie is fully aware Ben will be there and she is doing everything she can not think of him at the moment. She is here for Gunnar she keeps repeating in her head.

They pull up and as she sees Ben and Hudson getting out of his truck and then out of the corner of her eye she sees Brittany and Everett with some guy that she has never seen before. As they park she sits while Gunnar gets out and heads to Ben and Hudson. She starts getting her bag ready and still watching how Gunnar interacts with them. Ben embraces Gunnar in a hug and then Gunnar and Hudson do a bro hug thing, still trying to understand what that handshake was. As they are talking Ben looks up and sees her in the car. Moments like this she forgets to breathe. He looks good, too good and all the focus she had on Hudson and Gunnar is out the window. They didn't need her, but she needed them to focus on anything but him. Yet here he is making this task too hard.

When Ben looks up from his conversation with Gunnar and Hudson and notices that Sadie is here, their conversation has moved to background noise. She is all he sees. They are there for Hudson, they are there for Hudson, they are there for Hudson. With his eyes still on her, Gunnar and Hudson start putting together his bag and getting Hudson prepared for tryouts. With them distracted he walks over to her as she walks to them. Meeting in the middle of the parking lot and the world falls away.

"Hi," Ben says.

"Hey," says Sadie. "Is it ok that I'm here? Gunnars truck is in the shop, and he, well he wanted to support Hudson.."

Ben cuts off her mini-rant, "Yes, absolutely. I know it means a lot to him you are here."

"He's a good kid," Sadie responds.

"He's gotten better since working with Gunnar." Ben states. Still staring at her. the deep glow of her blue eyes makes him not able to comprehend anything around them.

"That's what Gunnar said. I hope he makes the team. It's a great place to really perfect ball skills." Sadie says.

"Yeah. Sadie I..." Ben starts. unfortunately is interrupted by the ass face of a woman who has the worst timing. He can see Sadie cringe but quickly hides it. The sight makes him give a half-smile.

"Sadie!!! What are you doing here?" Brittany says.

"Hello, Brittany. Good to see you. Gunnar's car is in the shop and he wanted to be here for Hudson. They've become pretty close." Sadie says in the most monotone voice.

Before Brittany can respond or continue on, sweet little Everett talks. Everyone is extremely grateful to her. "Sadie! You are here! You need to see some of my photos my dad and I took!"

"What? Are you kidding? Yes, please show me. Let's not wait, show me everything!"Sadie says excitedly.

They start to walk to the stands and Ben stands back watching the love of his life walking away with the other girl who holds his heart. The sight alone is one for the books and one he will never forget. Then IT opens its mouth.

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