Chapter Nineteen

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Sadie and Gunnar finish packing their bags for the family camping trip. Family. Sadie zips up her last back and a smile comes to her face. Family.

They have a few different bags ready to go and a cooler with some pre-made snacks and food for the week. As they get everything outside ready to go, Ben pulls up in his truck. Sadie sees a canoe hanging off the back and she immediately gets excited.

"Is that a canoe?" She asks.

"Yeah, you said lake-front, I thought this would be fun to do?" Ben responds.

"It's perfect, I didn't know you had a canoe," Sadie says while inspecting the back of the truck. "Do you have room for all of our stuff?"

"Well, I don't, I borrowed one," Ben says. "And yes plenty of room for you guys!"

Sadie laughs as she and Ben try to re-load the truck to accommodate her and Gunnar's stuff. Maybe invest in a trailer, Ben thinks. It became a game of Tetris, but eventually, they get everything to fit and get on the road for their three hour trip to the mountains.

Once settled Gunnar takes out his computer to put on a movie for them and Ben turns the music to the front of the vehicle for him and Sadie. He has his hand resting on her legs and she has her arms wrapped around his. His touch sets her body on fire and she knows it will be hard to keep herself in check with him. Her body's silent war and she is letting herself falter.

As they arrive at the land everyone piles out of the truck and takes a quick stretch. Ben immediately starts to unload the truck so they can quickly set up camp and relax.

"Hudson and Everett, where are your tents? I told you to put them in the truck," Ben asks sternly.

"They should be there, Everett I told you to put mine in with yours," Hudson says.

"I thought you said YOU were putting them in?!" Everett snaps back.

"NO! Ugh!" Hudson groans.

"This is not my fault," Everett says.

"Ok, ok, you guys take mine and I'll sleep outside," Ben says.

"Dad, what if it rains," Hudson asks.

"Bears? Dad what if there are bears?" Everett adds.

"Why don't you kids take our tent with Gunnar, it's an oversized two-person tent. I am sure all three of you can fit, Everett you are tiny," Sadie says. "Your dad and I can share his tent and this way no one is outside."

"Really?" Ben asks wide-eyed.

Sadie has to catch her breath, not really realizing what she just said.

"Are you sure about that?" Hudson asks apologetically.

No, No, No is all Sadie can think of.

"Yes, it's fine. He has his sleeping bag, I have mine. We will make due. Plus mine has the hook up for lights. You guys can read or have light when you need it." Sadie says with wayward confidence.

"Ok, thank you, Sadie," Hudson says.

"Thanks, Sadie, especially about the lights," Everett whispers.

"Sure thing, we will finish setting up, why don't you kids go find some dry firewood," Sadie says.

The kids happily agree and take off in search of firewood. Ben and Sadie finish putting the tents up and fix a hammock. Sadie can't wait to lay back in the hammock to read and relax.

As the kids walk around looking for sticks and wood for the fire the high five and fist bump each other for their work together.

"Everett, nice call on leaving the tents at home," Hudson says.

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