Chapter Ten

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The weeks pass by and it has been the most amazing time. Is this what pure happiness feels like? Is this what it feels like to actually laugh again? Ben and Sadie have been spending as much time together as they can. Private dates and family dates and they both ride this roller coaster with such enthusiasm. Both feel like they haven't laughed this much in their entire lives. Everyone at work can't believe that cold grumpy Ben actually laughs. Should've seen their faces the moment he smiled and said "Good Morning". As the holiday season approaches there is so much about this season that Sadie loves and so much to be careful of. Sadie is working an evening shift and has a few hours to go when the 911 line rings.

"911, what is the address of your emergency," Sadie asks.

"1725 Main Street" Caller states. "Sadie is Brittany. 1725 Main Street. My house is on Fire!"

"Is everyone out of the house?" Sadie asks. She knows that Brittany has the kids tonight as Ben is working.

"Yes, everyone is out!" she says.

"Ok we have units going to you, are there any propane or gas tanks?" Sadie asks.

"Propane tank on the backside of the house," Brittany says.

"Units are up the street now," Sadie says.

While Brittany is telling her everything and answering all her questions, Sadie is providing the unit's information at the same time. While she is doing that a coworker gives Ben a call to let him know what's going on. As they hang up they work the next couple hours monitoring radios and updating the notes. From what it sounds like the fire goes into the actual structure of the house which means it's beyond repair and habitation. Brittany is now homeless. Hudson and Everett's childhood home is gone, Sadie can't even imagine.

As the shift ends, Sadie makes her way to the scene. She has tried to call and text Ben but there has been no response. When she pulls up, she sees Ben standing with Brittany and the kids looking at the house. He has his arms wrapped around his kids and Brittany has her hands wrapped around Ben.

Sadie is fighting the insecurities that fill her mind. There are photographers snapping pictures of the fire and of them. She takes a moment to find her voice. "Hey guys," she finally says.

Ben turns and a sad smile comes to his face. "You are here."

"Of course, I wanted to make sure everyone is ok," Sadie says.

Hudson and Everett walk over and give Sadie a tight hug and Ben stands back for a moment. "Ben, are you ok?" Sadie asks.

"Yeah," Ben says, snapping back to reality. He quickly walks over to Sadie and pulls her into a hug. Jealousy seems to subside for now. She can't be jealous, she can't show weakness. This is his ex-wife and kids home. This WAS their home.

"I just don't know what happened, what do we do?" Brittany interrupts their moment.

"The Red Cross has been contacted and they will be here with more information," Sadie says.

"No, cancel it. They will stay in my place." Ben says.

Sadie and Brittany look at him with different looks. Brittany has a hopeful look while Sadie sits with shocked confusion. Did he really say that they would stay with him?

"Are you sure?" Brittany pushes.

"Yes! We are still legally married until next month and we have the kids. They need a place and I have a place." He says.

Sadie can only stand there staring at Ben as that beautiful demon in her head starts to creep in.

"Ok, let's head that way. It's cold outside." Brittany says.

Book 1 - Back of the ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now