Chapter Nine

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It has been a couple of weeks since homecoming and it has been definitely something different. Good, different, amazing actually. Ben has moved into an apartment in town and I have not seen Brittany much at all, which is good for me. Ben and I have officially been dating and gone out a few times and kissed. Nothing further than that. I am constantly waiting for that other shoe to drop, something to happen. I have never been this happy and that constant fear that something bad will happen. I get little texts from Summer that say, "You deserve this, you are amazing." She knows exactly what I need to hear to pull me back from those negative thoughts.

We are coming up on Gunnar's 17th birthday and I need to find him a car. Over the years we have relied on my Jeep and on occasion the classic Mustang. Now that is totaled we were finally given a settlement. I have asked Ben to come along for manly support. I definitely need a man's opinion for a big size guy type of car.

"Ok, he could definitely use a truck. What do you think of this truck?" Ben says as he points to a huge ford.

"It's ok, a bit big don't you think? I know Gunnar is a big guy but this might be a bit much." Sadie responds.

"Oh, baby no. No truck is too big!" He says laughing.

"Ok, well that is a bigger price tag than I can afford. Let's take it back some, ok love." Sadie responds.

"Got it, let's keep looking." Says Ben.

They look around and come across a midsize truck that they both agreed would be perfect for Gunnar.

"This is perfect for him," Sadie says excitedly.

"When do you plan on giving it to him?" Ben asks.

"Dinner tonight, you still plan on going?" She asks. "Would you be able to drive this to Marco's Restaurant and then I can drive you home?"

"Absolutely! Why don't you pack a bag and stay the night? Gunnar is going to be at Sam and David's for a football gathering." Ben says.

"Ok. I can do that." Sadie says nodding her head. She looks at this amazing man and still can't believe that he is with her. After hours at the dealership, they swing by Sadie's and she packs a bag. When they arrive at the restaurant, the kids are outside waiting. When Ben steps out of the truck, Gunnar gives a whistle.

"Oh my my my Ben! One truck isn't enough?" He says.

"Oh, this isn't mine," Ben says.

Ben and Sadie stand next to each other with cheesy grins on their face. Gunnar stands there confused until Ben tosses the keys to Gunnar. His eyes just about bug out of his head when he realizes that it is for him."

"MOM?!" Gunnar yells.

Sadie starts laughing at his response. "This is yours. Straight A student, National Honors Society and you have a great kid. I really couldn't ask for a better kid. So, this right here is yours. You will be going off to college soon."

Sadie can't even finish the sentence before Gunnar walks over and gives her a big bear hug with one arm. This kid is insanely strong but has the kindest heart.

"Alright, alright, alright!! It's pizza time." Sadie says.

As they settle into the restaurant they watch Gunnar going on about the new truck and his broken arm. The cast is covered in signatures and well wishes. Although growing up was difficult for Sadie, she gets to watch her son beloved by so many. The community who knew Will and Gunnar's gentle nature provided him with so many people who looked out for him. In return, this big kid is one social butterfly. When he started to date Victoria everyone was a bit surprised. She is quiet and enjoys the quiet of life. She is a good kid and keeps Gunnar grounded. As they finish dinner the kids head out and Ben and Sadie watch Gunnar with the biggest smile on his face, wave as he leaves. Ben grabs Sadie's hand and looks down at her.

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