Chapter Twenty Seven

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Brittany sits at the coffee shop waiting for Kevin to show. She has been in a slight panic mode since the fight with Justin. She didn't realize he knew about her evening on homecoming. She was in a depressive state with Justin being a complete tool and her world she worked so hard at creating, her own fucked up paradise, being torn away slowly. She didn't realize how a hurricane could mimic her life. You watch the storm approach slowly and can anticipate damage but never knowing the amount of damage until that storm leaves. She is on the outside of this storm and realizes the mistakes that lay before her. Homecoming night she needed to let loose, be free of everything that plagued her. A random bar, a random guy, random drinking game, and a hot bathroom adventure would turn into the person who hit Gunnar. No matter what her deal with Sadie is, kids are off-limits. Since then she has been in that slow spiral.

Just as she is trying to calculate how this all can play out, Sadie walks in. Shit! She thought she was working. Sadie looks over in surprise to see her. Brittany can see she is fighting with herself on coming over to say hi. Brittany decides to bite the bullet.

"Oh my god! Sadie!" Brittany says with an annoying tone.

"Good afternoon Brittany, how are you?" Sadie says back with a forced smile.

"I am meeting a client here for coffee. You? I thought you were working?" Brittany asks.

"Half Shift, I am on my way home. Just stopped for a coffee. Best in town right," She says.

Brittany nods her head and looks down at Sadie. This is the only coffee shop in town. "Absolutely! So how is the new house?"

"It's really great! I love the land that comes with it," Sadie says warmly.

"Yeah," Brittany says with gritted jealousy. "You were always trying to slum it in the country."

"Wow, nice to see you. Have a good afternoon," Sadie says and starts to walk away. Just as she turns, Kevin walks in the door and she looks at him like she knows him. Fighting with where she knows him from.

"Brittany," Kevin says walking past Sadie looking at her with the same look.

"Ready for our meeting?! I am excited to show you the houses I found for you," Brittany tries to recover.

He looks at Brittany with confusion then back at Sadie. As they stare at each other trying to place where they know one another, Brittany feels that pang of jealousy again. Again.

"Bye Sadie! Tell Ben and the kids I'll see them Friday!" Brittany says too quickly.

Sadie cringes and walks away still looking back at both Brittany and Kevin. Kevin whips his head back to Brittany looking completely annoyed.

"What do you want? I told you that tonight it was a one time fuck. I don't have time for needy bitches." Kevin says.

"That woman you just saw," Brittany says secretly pointing towards Sadie.

"Yeah, she's cute. Why?" Kevin says.

"You hit her son's car on high school homecoming night." Brittany states

"Shit," Kevin responds sitting back in his chair.

"I know you got off easy. You are welcome for that," She says. He looks at her confused. "I switched a few labs so you appeared sober to them."

"How, and more to the point, why?" Kevin asks, stunned by this confession.

"Her new boo is my ex-husband. He works at the Sheriff's office. If they found out you hit her kid's car, and we were drinking together, it will look bad on me. It can be bad for both of us. There need to be no ties between us." Brittany explains.

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