Chapter Five

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It has been a few weeks since the awkward football game. Ben and Sadie have been talking a lot more lately. He finds ways of texting her or calling her throughout the day and she finds herself being excited every time her phone rings. He still shows up like clockwork on game days for breakfast with Gunnar and takes him to school. He has continued to be a presence in Gunnar's life since Will passed away. Ben seems a lot less angry and cold even surprised the shift of co-workers with donuts, coffee, and a fruit tray. They all joke that someone has spiked his coffee and that is why he is in a good mood. Sadie still doesn't know what happened that night of the football game, but she does know something big happened. She hasn't heard from Brittany and she notices that Ben looks like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. Something in the universe has shifted.

It is homecoming week and the kids have all been working on the floats for the parade, getting Gunnars tux ready and mostly gearing up for the big, huge, rival football game against the Hawks. Homecoming Game is THE game to go to and be a part of. The town basically shuts down and everyone is at the game. Its Friday, game day, which means...

"Momma! Pancakes?!" Gunnar yells from his room.

"With chocolate chips and a side of bacon!" Sadie yells back smiling.

"Yes! The best!" he says.

Just as Gunnar makes his way to the kitchen, Ben walks in. Lately, he doesn't even knock on the door, he just walks right in.

"Pancakes with chocolate chips?" Ben says as he takes a seat at the island.

"Tradition! I am offended you think I'd change it up!" Sadie says mockingly. Dramatically throwing her hand over her heart.

"No, No! Not even, just excited. You make the best pancakes." Ben says trying to recover.

Just as he is trying to cover his ass, Gunnar walks in.

"Thank you, Ben. The recipe is just simple from a box." She says laughing. "Ok, Gunnar your Tux is ready for tomorrow and flowers are in the fridge for Victoria. She really is a sweet girl. Tonight ill meet you by the track for the homecoming court to walk onto the field."

"Perfect, Thanks, Mom! Ben are you still ok to walk with us tonight?" Gunnar asks.

"Absolutely! Everett said she was going to take some pictures for us. She really has an eye for photography." Ben says proudly.

"Really? I have a camera I've been using for the last couple of years and was planning on selling. Would you mind if I just gave her that? It's a good camera, and I have upgraded." Sadie offers.

"She would love that! Are you sure? I can pay you for it." Ben responds.

"No, no payment. You do a lot for us, especially with Gunnar. Stay here, I'll be right back." She says.

Ben watches her leave the room and his eyes never break away until she is out of sight. He can't help but feel surprised again by her generous nature. He is surprising Everett with classes at the local college for photography, and Sadie offering her camera is one less headache at the store he will need to deal with. When she disappears from view his eyes meet Gunnars.

"I see what you are doing," Gunnar says with a side-eye.

"What do you mean?" Ben responds lightheartedly hoping to ease the tension.

"I see you like my mom, and you are married," Gunnar says. "I can see that she likes you too. She is a lot happier these days and I know it's because of you. I am not sure what is going on with Ms. Brittany but I am going to say this. Do not lead my mom on, do not hurt her. She has had enough heartbreak for one lifetime."

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